Character's character 2

Therefore one's character lies deeper than values and far deeper than philosophies, allegiances, memberships, or accomplishnents. Just as a nation's constitution expresses its fundamental character and makeup, so a persons character expresses most deeply what constitutes him or her as a unique individual. Character, as rooted in the greek word for the graphic device depicting a hallmark or distinguishing sign, stamps a person decisively beneath all masks, poses, disguises and social veneers.
Put differently, the discussion of character is a variation ob three revurring motiffs - core, consistency, costs.
The theme of "core" is clear from the preceding paragraphs. Character is" the inner form " or core, of a person.
The second theme of"consistency" is an obvious extension of this point. A person's core character is seen best in what he or she reveals consistency "the habits of the heart ", while Nietzsche speaks similarly of " a long obedience in the same direction." The notion of consistency pops up in erryday speech when we say dat someone acts "in character" or "out of character." For character is more than a collection of occassional behaviours or a set of good intentions;it is rather, who we are through and through.
The third theme of "cost " is equally evident. The nature of such consistent core character is usually either formed best or revealed most clearly in the crucible of testing.
Hence its costimages.png

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