Allotra Gribi

They are a kind of waterfowl. Over the last 500 years, more than 190 species of birds have been lost forever. Extinction rates have increased significantly more recently than the past. The latest addition to the list has been called 'Allotra grib', a kind of hybrid bird. This is the first time since 2005 that the international union of nature and natural resources (IUCN), which was the first extinction of a bird, was released. The alotra lake in Madagascar, the island of southeast Africa, was the main habitat of this species.
The Allotra Grizzly bird was last seen in the Allotra lake in September 1985. Earlier in 1982 12 birds were seen. Later in 1985, 1986 and 1988 some birds, like 'Grib' species, were considered hybrid species. Then, in the 1999 survey and in 2000, experts did not find the signs of this bird anywhere. With no direct observation on this species of birds, so many days later it was expected that there might be two or two allotra birds in some places. But no sign was found here. Basically, the species disappears for several reasons. The Elotra lake belt of the tender waters of Africa was covered with papyrus and nallakhagara. But in recent years, fishermen spread the nylon thread of nylon thread in most areas of the lake. These nets become the death trap of birds. A lot of alotra birds start to die from the first stage of using this type of mesh. Another reason is to describe the role of a kind of carnivorous fish called 'Bash'. Since the advent of the fish in the Alotra lake, the movement of allotra birds is inhibited. The bird was the main victim of this 'Bash' fish. On the other hand, due to various reasons the food crisis of the Alotra bird was particularly prone to crisis.
So far 1300 birds have entered the coffins of extinction since 1600. A species of eight species in the world is now threatened with extinction. This year, more than 25 species are included in the list of plants. The total number of endangered bird species stood at 1,240.

Bird Life International official said. Leon Benann said there is no hope for the existence of allotra birds. The abolition of this is another cruel example of the aggressive action of the people.1525800757471.png

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