Look out for the reality enforcers!

Trust me, you know a few. Hey, you might even be one! Let me explain.   

From a human perspective, there is no such thing as a fixed, universal reality. From a cold, scientific point of view, such a thing could exist, but only in an environment where nothing is subjective. And we live in a deeply subjective plane of reality. Not everyone is aware of that, though.


Which is which?

Broadly speaking, we share a great deal of reality, but the way we perceive and experience everything – everything – is unique to each of us. Most of the time, it really doesn’t matter too much. Hate cabbage? Don’t eat it. Hate soap operas? Don’t watch them. We make little distinctions and decisions like this all the time, and the impact on other people is minimal. 

However, when we interact with others, our realities spill into their reality and vice versa.  

And this is when the problems can begin, because some people think that their realities are more important than yours. In fact, so convinced are they that their take on what is going on is actually what is going on, that it hasn’t even occurred to them that this might not be the case.


It's all about me

They will say things like:

“I’m just telling it as it is”
“The reality is…”
“That’s it. End of story.”

And very often, these people will not like it at all if they are challenged. It’s an ego thing, and the ego of a reality enforcer is extremely fractious.  

Taking on a reality enforcer can be more trouble than it is worth. They are typically narcissistic, and can be exhausting, because they will struggle to understand another's perspective. Whether or not you decide to challenge such a person is very much down to the type of person you are, or the environment in which you encounter them. However, being aware of them is half the battle! 


Keep the zipper open!

One you have identified a reality enforcer, you can see what they are doing, and you can work around them. The trick is not to let them force their reality on to you!  

You are in control of that. 

Watch out though. These people are everywhere.


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