This Little Life Of Mine - Never Ignore The Signs.

Saturday, 11th November, 2017.

Saved by the bell. Actually, it was a text message. Money was looking pretty dire then my boss text with a job for this morning.


I've just got to toddle off to Aldgate and mess about with 40, odd, network cables.

After the last couple of days, work seems like a nice, relaxing option. Day 2 of school went without a hitch so I think we can safely assume, I was right. She was wrong. Louis has a weekend of Remembrance Day related, Army Cadet activities, all weekend. He seems happy with his new life.

Apart from this job. All I have for the weekend is wallpapering a small wall in Carter's house. I'll probably do it tomorrow. It depends whether she gets her bit of painting down today.


What's that?

Creeping up the back of my neck and digging it's claws into grey matter. Leave me be.

I've no time for your knawing gloom.

I wondered where you'd been hiding. You evil little fuck.

You will not take me.

Let me be.

Never let yourself rest. That's the true answer. Once "The Sickness" knows you are vulnerable. It'll fuck you, and fuck you hard.


That is going to go down in history as the worst Saturday I have ever worked. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. We were informed of about 20% of what was actually required. Once we had found out the truth, we were fuming.

I haven't eaten, smoked, or drunk any coffee. I just had my first cigarette since 8 am. We really had to push it to get it done. I'm in horrible pain. There is more that needs doing but my boss called it. He rang and said, leave now. I think he had words with the main contractor. I don't know what was said.


The first bit of luck of the day. I managed to grab a sandwich and a lager, and still made the fifteen twenty.

I should have known the day would be like this when I felt "The Sickness" this morning. It's an indicator, like the flashing, crescent moon shaped watermark I get in my eye before a migraine.

I know the signs but I try to ignore them,


Sunday, 12th November, 2017.


I fell asleep around 6 pm last night. Apart from a couple of rousals I slept through until 8.30 this morning. I just needed the sleep I suppose. Or nothing worth being awake for.

I just dropped Louis off to do this Remberance Sunday March through Staines. It's really cold out there. He's a tough little dude. I'll give him that. And committed. I was a right lazy scrote at that age. I've got a wall to wallpaper.😐 11.22

I'm about an hour in. I forgot the join roller so I had to rush over to my dads and get one. Luckily, I got back in time to save it. When I say, save it, I won't be able to tell until it's fully dry. Wallpapering. It's an art!


I finished the wallpapering ages ago. We put the room back together, then I had a nap. During the wallpapering the requirements were as follows:

  • 1 X Vodka bloody mary
  • 2 X Gin and bitter lemon
  • 4 X cigarettes

Anyway, it's done. We will await the results upon full drying.


I ran out of gin. The only suitable replacement in the local shop was Hendricks, you had tosuck up the costs and deal with it.

Now that I've had a glass I don't regret it. I reclaimed my drill-driver from Mare(I lent it to her earlier.), as I need it for some work tomorrow.

The only way onwards, is, Er....Onwards. so that is what I'll do.

Or Smash my face in with a hammer.

I'll decide in the morning.

Monday, 13th November, 2017.


I'm just approaching Waterloo. I've had better nights. I've had a little shut eye time on the train. It's not really helped.


I'm in Victoria for the day. Hopefully, without harassment or hinder. I just want to get it done and get home. The boy is riding his bike to school today. Hopefully, he will be up and at it. It's time to let him fend for himself for a bit.


No site manager. For fucks sake! I can't crack on until he gets here. I hate hanging about. I'm bored already.


Nothing's easy is it? Louis went to get his bike out and found that the back inner tube was hanging out. So, he had to walk. He saw some kids from school so followed them and then got lost. Pfft. I then had to redirect him from memory. Basically, he was late!


The usual Shite. I've got to go back tomorrow. Part of the job I was there to do wasn't ready. I normally wouldn't mind but it'll mean a lot more travelling than usual. It will only take an hour so I will have to finish off the rest of the day in Hammersmith.


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