Divergent thinking. Download the creative!

A person with developed divergent thinking instead of one correct variant always tries to find different ways of solving a problem, often not connected with each other. Therefore, divergent thinking can work in one particular direction, as well as in different keys. Such a mindset is especially developed in creative people who are not inclined to do much analytical work.

With abilities for divergent thinking, a person acquires a more balanced and flexible thinking, which can be useful both in business and in everyday life.

There are ways that help to develop a divergent type of thinking, even for a person who is not an artist or a designer, and generally not familiar with creative impulses. Let's consider several methods of helping to develop divergent thinking.

Brainstorm. Using brainstorming helps not only to find interesting ideas - frequent application of this method develops the ability of the brain to creative and non-standard thinking.

Search for ideas. In each, even the obvious situation, it is worth looking for more than one idea, but several. This habit not only develops thinking skills, but also helps to look at the situation from different points of view.

Non-standard. Refusing a reference to stereotypes, a person frees up his brain to look at the situation with a fresh look. It is at such a moment that truly worthwhile thoughts come.

Reflections. Continuing to reflect on the problem, even when the desired solution has already been found, it is possible to arrive at unobvious conclusions. Such meticulousness is often rewarded with interesting ideas.

A diary. The thoughts that arise in the mind are often very curious, but promising to return to them later, a person usually forgets about it, not only not using his ideas, but without even analyzing them. Writing ideas in a diary, you can get good food for the mind.

Spontaneous writing. Trying to solve the problem creatively, you can proceed as follows - taking a pen and a sheet of paper, reflect on the problem, freely recording thoughts that come to your mind. After a few hours, you can evaluate and systematize the paper with a fresh look. Such an analysis not only develops the ability for divergent thinking, but also allows us to understand our attitude to the situation.

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