UAPs and UFOs - Do You Woo?

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A while ago I wrote about how I am interested in UFOs.

I am not just a fan of that topic but a lot of them, such as remote viewing and NDEs, but I have to say the UFO topic is the one I have stuck with longest.

Now, while I don't routinely wear a tinfoil hat, I have loved reading about these things and watching videos about them.

Do I believe it all?

Absolutely not.
Lots and lots of these stories turn out to be just that, stories. Hoaxes are of course extremely common, as are people mistaking benign things for strange and fantastic.

I do think there is something going on, however.

Anyone with even a passing interest will have heard of Luis Elizondo recently. If you haven't, you are in for a treat, or at least a rabbit hole that will distract you for a while.

Luis Elizondo is a former United States Army Counterintelligence special agent and former employee of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. Elizondo reports he was a director of the now defunct Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which is associated with the Pentagon UFO videos. Since 2017, he has been known for asserting that UFOs (or UAPs) exist and are not the result of human technology.

In 2009, in a letter from the United States Senate to the Department of Defense, Elizondo was requested to be included in the AATIP program; in 2021, then former United States Senator Harry Reid again confirmed Elizondo held the post.[1][2] Elizondo's assertions have been contested by some reporters and Pentagon officials.[3][4][5] Elizondo has subsequently appeared in various media, including 60 Minutes, as a UFO expert.[6] In 2024, Elizondo's memoir of his experiences, Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for U.F.O.s, was published by HarperCollins.[7]

He has come forward, essentially, as a whistle blower.

His statements have been influential in bringing public and government attention to the topic. Here are the main assertions he has made:

  • UAPs are Real and Exist: Elizondo claims that UAPs are real, and their existence has been verified by military personnel, radar systems, and other sophisticated technologies. He emphasizes that these are physical objects, not merely optical illusions or natural phenomena.

  • UAPs Exhibit Advanced Technology: According to Elizondo, the UAPs display flight capabilities far beyond current human technology. These include the ability to perform sudden accelerations, changes in direction, and speed that defy conventional understanding of physics and aerospace engineering.

  • UAPs Pose a National Security Concern: Elizondo has repeatedly stated that UAPs could pose a national security risk because they have been observed around sensitive military installations and nuclear facilities. He stresses that their unknown origin and advanced capabilities make them a potential threat.

  • The Government Has Under-Reported UAP Encounters: Elizondo has asserted that the U.S. government, particularly military and intelligence agencies, have historically downplayed or underreported encounters with UAPs. He has accused the government of lacking transparency on this issue, both with the public and within various government agencies.

  • Non-Human Origin is a Possibility: While Elizondo has not definitively stated that UAPs are of extraterrestrial origin, he has acknowledged that the technology observed could be beyond human capabilities and might point to non-human origins, which could include extraterrestrial or some unknown form of intelligence.

  • Increased Transparency is Needed: One of his key messages is that the public deserves to know the truth about UAPs. He advocates for more government transparency and scientific investigation into the phenomenon without the stigma or ridicule that has traditionally surrounded it.

While being extremely careful to not say more than he can or should, with a lot of legal oversight, what he has come out on the record with is ... startling.

The USA government, for decades, have been funding millions of dollars on the topic. They allegedly have recovered technology and "biological materials".

If that is not wild enough, numerous highly qualified and experienced military personnel have verified sightings, including RADAR etc tracking to confirm.

It gets scarier when you discover that not only do these machines with multiple witnesses and technological tracking buzz NATO ships and aircraft, they interfere with our nukes and the nukes of Russia.

Yes, you read that right - they tamper with our nukes and at least once almost caused Russia's nukes to launch.

Like many people, I think some of the sightings are advanced but terrestrial technology, like stealth on steroids:

  • If they are a super secret black budget program, why almost trigger a nuclear holocaust?

  • If they are a foreign adversary, who are they and what do they want?

Do we or any other nation have this technology, though?

These UAPs have been seen going from space to under water.

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This is one of the reasons for them to be labelled UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) - they are not just airborne, they go into space and they have just as much agility in the ocean.

Unfortunately the high resolution, high framerate videos are not shared with us.

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