Copy Pasta Bolognese and Plagiarism Sauce

Dear Steemians who love ordering Copy Pasta Bolognese,

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Today, I am going to tell you what I think about that instant and delicious copy pasta bolognese with additional plagiarism sauce.You might want to change the bolognese into Carbonara after reading this but if you'll still love the bolognese. It's okay.
It's just copy pasta bolognese is not my preference. I prefer original bolognese, which comes with a price but definitely worth it.

As a college students I learn the hard way that plagiarism is something serious which could result in lawsuit and not to mention academic sanctions that comes with it. I never take plagiarism and copy pasting seriously when I was at highschool; I was ignorant. That time, I thought plagiarism was nothing and copy pasting was the easy way for me to obtain information without mentioning the source. Fast forward, when I went to college, I was being told that plagiarism is frowned upon and even a single mistake in mentioning a source could result in loosing points or failing the subject.

Representing other's work and claim it as your own is clearly a bad thing. To me, it is equal as disrespecting yourself. I get it that you don't have a word to express your ideas but clearly you have been blessed with a brain to think. What do you use your brain for?

Another thing is that, I think blogging, is about forming an opinion about what's going on in our surrounding. It is the way we react to certain events in our life and environment. Not only that, It is also one of the way we stimulate our brain to keep working and functioning. Some of us needs another supplement so our brain can work. so why don't you try to find your supplement and start making your brain work?

I get it that you want to deliver a news to people, but do you aware that being a journalist is difficult? . You're probably never been in that part. Sometimes, when a journalist run out of ideas they could even write a lousy article about " A man sees a ghost in the middle of the road " or some mediocre things. I know a little or two about journalism although practically I haven't worked in that field as a professional. The thing is that, it takes time to pick an idea, gathering the sources, then choosing a right word.It's already a whole lot of work and you're there, sitting with your magic gadget , nose picking and day dreaming about cents. All you simply did was

click right - copy- open steemit - click right - paste

Now, I'll tell you how to be classy while ordering a pasta. It doesn't have to be grande ideas, because even a big scale news network like CNN and Dailymail sometimes write silly things. So imagine. people like us, who's not even in the field, we could say anything we want as simple as it could be. You could say Rihanna looks freaking beautiful in the red carpet and that you love her dress, the details,her smile whatever that is. You could tell a story about your routine from waking up to go back to sleep if you can write it in another language, a bonus you've learnt something new.

Simply make sure that you have something to say, if you don't have anything to say , find a cute puppies or your lunch meal, click the picture write a simple thing like : my meal was lit ( insert emoji).Another thing, If you want to use another source, be it books, people's ideas, website, make sure to cite the source with a link to it.

I believe idea is more dangerous than weapons; once you're able to plant an idea into someone's mind it could even change a history. So that's why, I think intellectual rights should be highly rewarded and appreciated.

My fellow steemians, wherever you are,let's try to stop ordering copy pasta bolognese. There's several project going on to smash your plate of fake mouthwatering copy pasta bolognese. Just when you get a visit from @cheetah, know that you probably did something wrong. However, I can assure you that cheetah could be drunk because he's tired smashing your plates. He could be tired and need some drinks. When that happens contact the @steemcleaner and they'll review it and cheetah will admit he's silly and was drunk.

Sometimes, when I stumble on your copy pasta bolognese, I might tell you to mention the source and believe me, Do as I say if you want to excel. Finally, Thank you for reading this open letter. I hope that we all could do better in the future.

Merci de m'avoir ecoute

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