Update 3 Ewally - funding my startup recycling

This is what we worked during this week. We got in contact with the advice board of a small town that is a bit far from the city. They have trouble with their local trash there is no recolection system. The goverment took them away.
This is a letter they wrote for the local president. This is what it says:

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  • By this meaning the advice board from the town of maneadero manifest the nonconformity of the garbage collection where we previously had 2 trucks the numer 2041 & 2043, taking them away to the town of ensenada leaving us unprotected and its one of the prior things that have to be attended. Lasting around 1 month without garbage collection, this caused a massive inffection spread in the children.

  • We demand our garbage the need of our garbage trucks even though they are not enough to collect the trash of 120,000 people. Therefore we ask for a solution the most quick and timely by saying that said so we ask for a written reply

  • For now we say goodbye wating for your answer to be favorable.

  • att. President of the citizen comunity

We got in contact with these people by facebook, we took a pitch and promise them that we would solve their problem regarding the trash. Because not only did they have a bad collection system but the town is completely full of trash in the streets.

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During the week we talked with the comunities the name of this week project was door to door, and yes we went door by door talking with the neighbors and explaining them what who we are, what we could do for them and what we needed.

So saying that so we manage to make a small team of the comunity. They were few but they were big. This a picture of the people that are commited to help us solve the problem.

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This sunday we made a cleaning event, we wanted to make the place look clean to be a place were children could play safely. There was a lot of work to do. This is how working down 100 degree Farenheit looks like.

The end results were great we manage to clean the area, and get some bags of plastic to take home and recycle them to earn some cash for our project.


This is how it looks, now it will be responsability of the natives to keep this place safe from garbage in the future. The place could be now be used to create a place for sports or could be use to plant fruits.

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During this week we met many people from this town and we made a big relationship with a beer manufacturer.
We made a deal for every can of beer that we sell they will donate 15% to fund our project.

They will label our logo and then once our website is up we will post a e-commerce to sell their beer. We are also looking for local producers to help them export their organic products on our website, I'll be looking for some energy drinks, tea, nutritional & 100% organic and straight from the village's fruits. I will search for amazing products and i'll try to sell them in many places.

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I personally went inside their workspace to check if the conditions, the machines and the place was hygienic. Because I do not want to sell bad products.

Anyways if someone has an amazing products that can be canned and is not beer send me a message and we could produce it here. This industry has a lot of idle time because their beer is art and they have to keep them for long time before selling . So they do not produce every day or week.

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As for now we are working to help this small town recover from all the garbage they have in their streets.

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