Update 1 on our startup-ewally

Hello guy I want to show you our weekly update on our activities.
E-WALLY is startup project that will help people and companies monetize their trash and scrap materials by turning their trash to digital encrypted assets that will only be available to get by recycling.

As for now we have started to take the project to the media and start making new partnerships, this is Alejandro García the CEO of bottlers and artificial nerds. He wanted to create a strong team with us helping us with the use of artificial intelligence to our system. Therefore we will now be available to have bots on our system.

As for our partnership with recycle companies to help support us, we managed to have a deal with Héctor Ortiz the creator of a new machine that can recycle polyestiren.
Their team is very solid and strong. The want to help us by adding our mobile system to their machines to have a real time connection with our servers.

this is one of the worst plastic materials in the market were used to be banned in many cSymbol_Resin_Code_6_PS.svg.pngountries but the demand was so big that they are still available in the market.

Polystyrene foams are produced using blowing agents that form bubbles and expand the foam. Extruded polystyrene is usually made with hydrofluorocarbons (HFC-134a), which have global warming potentials of approximately 1000–1300 times that of carbon dioxide.
Polystyrene does not biodegrade for hundreds of years.

Animals do not recognize polystyrene foam as an artificial material and may even mistake it for food.

Polystyrene foam blows in the wind and floats on water, due to its low specific gravity. It can have serious effects on the health of birds or marine animals that swallow them.

It's really difficult to find a place to get polystyrene recycled but now we will be able to recycle them easily in entire Mexico.

We also managed to have a meeting with the board director of CETIEM who made a string deal with us by helping us promote the implementation of our system at the UNAM which is the biggest university of Mexico.


I want to show you guys my daily inspiration. This is a picture that one of our offline app users sent to us, this is a family of scavengers of the dumpster. They go out everyday and separate garbage then sell it to another person so this person can sell it at a higher price to a recycling company.
I've been daily thinking in a way of how to help their family earn more money with less problems...

We also managed to start making our official website. Www. Ewally.org as for now there is no information because it's still on construction but there will be many interesting things. As well if you wish to donate to help us achieve our goal in a earlier stage there will be a donation button to get access to our wallets.

Tomorrow we will be doing some local street cleaning keep tuned for our weekly update.

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