Interesting Steemit Data

So today, I was looking around at the sites I often visit to find data insights on my favorite websites, which there are dozens of, and I decided to look over at how steemit in specific was doing since all the shenanigans that happened.

Keep in mind that this is not a smear post or anything. Its just data, and there's a fascinating shift going on right now on Steemit that I found curious enough to make it worth my while to bring it to your eyes just in case you miss it.


First of all, obviously, the site is losing much relevance due to the community leaving, and it has dropped thousands of spots, and it's now in the five digits when it comes to popularity! But that's just regular expected stuff since we all left, right? Ok, let's keep going.


It has also lost approximately 10% of its monthly visits since December, going from 7.75m visits to 7.11m visits a month. These numbers are also a far cry from mid-2019 when we were hitting around 11-12m visits a month. How the mighty have fallen. Ok, now to what prompted me to write this in the first place.


Steem and Steemit, in general, seem to be under a massive demographic shift. While visitor numbers go lower and lower, it appears that at the same time, a portion of the old community seems to be being replaced by newcomers from the orient! The site is generally bleeding Americans, Venezuelans, and Chinese peoples, but it is gaining a lot of Korean and Indians.

The picture couldn't be more evident, and by June-July, Americans are going to lose their #1 spot to South Koreans, and I wouldn't be impressed if by the time all power-downs are over, the top 5 looks completely different from what it is today.

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