Progressives, manipulation, and blindness.

Ailments endemic in the liberal left, the intellectuals, the progressives.
I will just use the term left –as it's easier to type- but encompasses all the above.

A sense of intellectual superiority – 'I know better than you do', syndrome.
This is the governments default setting, of course. (and infects all the off shoots of government corruption. Especially academia.)

The big picture confidence trick.

A term loved by the blind - the 'big picture' (always a warning sign of someone not being able see what is in front of their face).


There is no big picture...Its a mirage.
ALL the big pictures are made up of smaller units. (The individual being the smallest unit, in this context of looking at society).
There is no society (big picture). It is pure concept.
There are people living together – and then the concept of society is formed.

You cannot have a society without individuals.

You can have individuals, without a society.

One is real, one is concept, which is blatantly obvious.
I personally can't see why this is such a hard thing to grasp.

But then again, I'm a realist.

Governments and institutions only see 'society' – Even though it is nothing more than pure concept - It is not a real.
Ergo, it is an illusion - and delusional by the individuals who see it. IT IS NOT REAL.

Society - Dreamt up in the minds of control freaks - individuals incapable of seeing, or caring.
Who's fragile ego will not allow them to face the fact they may be - wrong.

Maybe they are just incapable, insecure individuals, hiding behind their intellect.

Their grandiose visions always fail if they attempt to include the individual. Now why would that possibly be..?
The person gets in the way of social models working (and therefore better disregarded or seen as irrelevant)
Their life is more comfortable that way.

A form of Blindness.

The delusional left see oppression, black lives matter, social justice movements


Well adjusted, sane, people, see lots of people – individuals - stood in a group.

Look at any government programme (the biggest fans of 'the big picture' of course), to see how it rides roughshod over the individual.
And this is why socialism will always fail. The principle of society.

The principle of society – The left's mantra - Explains perfectly why the left are so unprincipled.

IF the mainstay principle of 'society' is a principle built on a delusion - a concept, is it no wonder that the left are also the proponents of duplicity, evasion, subterfuge, changing the rules, etc.

Honoring of a contract, to completion - as an example.

If I say agree to something, it is my bond. A contract - It is not about profit (or loss). It is about honor. Integrity. Seeing things through.
The left see no moral issue with changing the rules half way through - because it suits.
They see no moral ambiguity of changing the rules, because it suits.
How can they? - They see society as real. A thing.

Expecting the Insane to act sanely, is not realisic, however much we want it.

The real world principles with which society has formed itself around, are the opposite of the principles of the left.
Starting with the principle of property rights. – This is a real thing.

(And just think how important destroying the principle of property right is, to the left...)

Everything – every reality -ever moral code- has to be overturned by the left (cultural marxism), to maintain the delusional insanity that the left see as real.

It all falls to pieces in the cold hard light of day, logic, empirical data, and benevolence.

You can't be benevolent to society. (HOW can you be benevolent to a concept?)

It is just a mask to disguise control of populations – social welfare being the perfect example of this.

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