Eugenicist's have a lack of intelligence...

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Eugenics - Eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices that aims at improving the genetic quality of a human population.

This is a subject that invariably raises it's head, when the IQ elephant is being addressed.

From an IQ perspective it is a stupid, blunt argument.
With eugenics it is assumed that IQ has all the answers, and higher IQ's will improve society.

I compare eugenic proponents to communist zealots.
The belief that a central authority can dictate the free market. It works in both economics and genetics.
A logic that is flawed, and can never work. It creates a multitude of unforeseen problems.
The law of unintended consequences.

While IQ differences need to be recognized and embraced it is only one part of any argument. It is not a panacea.
(but it is a damn strong anti-illogic!)

IQ recognition, is a recognition of differences, and not a moral judgment on the value of peoples lives.

The biggest eugenics program today in the states is 'planned parenthood.' (or planned genocide).
Looking at numbers, it is difficult to explain the numbers in any other way then eugenics.

It is abhorrent.

Planned Parenthood targets minority populations:
79% of its surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino
Minorities account for almost two thirds (64%) of all abortions in the U.S.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is the primary provider of abortions in the U.S. According to PPFA’s most recent 2015-2016 annual report, it committed 328,348 abortions in fiscal year 2015....

. In 2015, Planned Parenthood committed 35 abortions for every prenatal service it provided.

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In 2014, former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson wrote that in her Planned Parenthood protocol book there was one called “Miscarriage Management” that was “in preparation for when abortion [was] made illegal” and it gave step by step instructions on how to help women with self abortions.
Johnson wrote: “We would instruct women to take medications and/or vitamins to end their pregnancy.

Planned Parenthood has abortion quotas.
Former Director Sue Thayer stated in an interview that her job required her to be “accountable for how many patients you see..... and “had a goal for how many abortions they needed to do.”.....


I bring up a few statistics here, not to discuss planned parenthood, (or the moral issues with termination) but to highlight a eugenics program.
(I may do a whole series on this – its is fascinating – and very scary)

IQ has been used as one of the main weapons to justify eugenics programs.

I'll try to explain why it is a false argument, and one that needs to be destroyed -to allow the IQ discussion an open, non biased forum.

Using IQ to justify the killing of race is to accept that IQ somehow defines value of a person.
It does not.
IQ is merely one aspect of a human being.

To allow the destruction of people's does, with IQ as a driving mechanism, paradoxically - shows a lack of intelligence.

An anecdotal story, that does not mean proof.
It does show in real lives -why this IQ/eugenics program is evil, and not logical.
My experience - I am sure - happens every day to one degree or another. Thousand of times.

...A friend of mine – a mathematician – (_very high IQ), came up with a computer program that would enable a company to gain advantage in the market place.)
He could not - for the life of him - work out how it would do it, but he could see it had a value.

I looked at the problem (not understanding any of the program, but understanding it's potential applications)

Within an hour I had constructed a business strategy that enabled the concept- the idea- into a workable model. (that went on to be very profitable in real life).

His high IQ (and my very, very much lower IQ), combined, to fix the issue.

Imagine if there was eugenics program where upon my IQ was a basis for termination?
Would that idea have ever come to fruition? - We don't know.

What we do know, is that the idea DID come to fruition, without any eugenics program.

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We need people of all IQ's to make a functioning world.

To even bring IQ into justification of any eugenic hell, it to show a complete misunderstanding of where IQ sits in society, - and such hubris to suggest that 'we' know so much 'we' can play god....
sits up there with communism itself.

images google.

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