Is anyone there?

Bots and basement dwelling programmers are excluded. Leave a comment below if you see this, so that I know you're not an autovoter.

I know it's been a really long time since I uploaded my last blog post, but hey, life happens sometimes. Even though I haven't been blogging actively, I've been reading people's submissions and dropping a few comments here and there. As a matter of fact, there hasn't been a single day I haven't spent time on the Steem blockchain.

Prices is probably what makes people come and go, however that's not the case for me. I'm always around, regardless. Maybe that's because I have responsibilities as a Blog Moderator for Utopian, and probably that's the very same reason I haven't uploaded a single blog post for days. But I'm not forced to do what I am doing, I do it because I want to. And I persist because I see true potential.

I used to be too strict with myself, and wouldn't hit the post button if I didn't have something of quality to offer. I guess if you are reading this you already know that I've reconsidered. After all, where is the fun in a feed full of scientific content? Anyway, I was only going to write a few lines, so I will hit the road before I make this a blog post.

I intended to get people to say hi in the comments below. Please support my cause by doing so.

See you around!

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