We’re all the same and yet nothing alike… 3 of 3

…”I am significantly insignificant — I am just a passerby in the lives of everyone here, just a blur in the background”

Yet here we are right now. A cataclysmic partition of chance that in this moment this diversity of life exists from varying habitats of the world. Here. Now. For a moment and then off back into our own realities, our own dimensions- umbrellaed by our own suns and moons. If we are exactly where we are meant to be in every moment how do, we define and articulate the infinity probabilities of different courses of action, if I had gone this way instead of that. My flights delayed because of this. So many unknowns- so much left entirely and utterly incomprehensible and unfathomable. What could it possibly be for except to render this passing moment, as just that, a moment to pass- to appreciate and hope that there’s some grandiose purpose behind an otherwise insignificant but bothersome avenue of travel? Who knows, maybe that’s the beauty of it- the relinquished, arbitrary, and totally serendipitous — up for interpretation — beauty of all these moments as we pass them by. A train wreck of visionaries and hopeful hearts dreaming away.

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