Time To Actually "Blog" - A Week With @lesshorrible #4

Every Sunday I will revise my week, write about new things that I tried and new stuff that I learned. I will also share some deeper insights and update you on what I am doing with my life. We all have our narcicistic tendencies, and I decided to embrace mine.

Previous Posts In This Series

Time To Actually "Blog" - A Week With @lesshorrible
Time To Actually "Blog" - A Week With @lesshorrible #2
Time To Actually "Blog" - A Week With @lesshorrible #3

It Is Good To Be Back

I do not need to cite any research when I say being sick sucks. Being out of school for one week has put me behind so much and I really had to work my arse off to catch up. So I had to work twice as hard as I usually do, both in my courses as well as in research. These last few days I started my day at 7am and did not finish before 6pm, only to hit up the library and work on homework, assignements and presentations. Well, I am pretty much caught up now and there is only one week of lectures left before I get a week off. To cut the whining short, I finally have time to post again and I am really looking forward to continue growing my blog here on steemit. I did miss it - not just the rewards, but also the incentive to learn new things.


Steemit Plans

I will continue my nanotechnology series. While the last post has not brought many rewards, I still learned about a new technology. At this point, I enjoy learning more than the rewards. Do not get me wrong, I still greatly appreciate the rewards, after all, I am just a broke student. But now that I am about to start my own research reading about all these new technologies that are being developed really shapes my interests and serves as a great inspiration.
I am planning a few new projects, which I already announced last week. As I said last week, I am really excited about those. I do not want to give away too much, but I decided to tackle some of the pseudoscience differently than I did before. It will be less focused on just one particular group or individual, but the whole pseudoscience community. The first part of this project will be written posts, but I am thinking about branching out into a podcast and eventually videos (once I have the technology available).

Other projects I am cooking up are aiming at younger steemit uses, people who do not have a PhD or are enrolled in university. This project will also start out as written posts, before I get into podcasts and videos. Those will be informal, educational contributions that are aiming at enhancing the knowledge about science careers and perspectives. I am currently trying to find people who are willing to contribute. If you have interest, please leave a comment and we can get in contact via discord. I will share the rewards with collaborators. However, I can only work with people who work in science or are currently enrolled in science degrees.
I will continue microblogging using Zappl. If you want to know what a day of a sciencestudent looks like, just check out my blog. No promises, but I will try to post pictures and short anectodes of my "Science Life" under my own #sciencelife tag. You are welcome to sign up on Zapple and use this tag! It would actually be cool if we can get a science movement on Zappl started. Also, #sciencelife will be linked to the above project.
I am also planning a series about my effort to learn programming. Right now I am trying to figure out screenrecording, video editing, etc. so I can make videos. At this point, big shoutout to @targodan for giving me a lot of recommendations. He said he would be writing a post about how to get started with programming so stay on the lookout for that post!

Contemplations About Life And Stuff

Well, this is the deciding month. The last four years I worked for this month. In approximately 26 days I will finally hear back from the first round of graduate schools I applied to. Sadly the PhD program in Australia is not among them (their application is a little more complicated and I have not yet gotten the clearance from the graduate school to apply). By the end of this month I hope to have at least one acceptance. Among my possible options are Master of Science in Chemistry at Lund University in Sweden, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Surface, Electro, Radiation and Photochemistry jointly awarded between Universite Paris-Sud, University of Genoa and University of Porto. The last option is graduate dentistry at the University of Aberdeen. While I really am passionate about science, I started my undergraduate education with the goal to go into healthcare. So, I am keen on a career in science, but dentistry still is a realistic option (also I really love Scotland). At this point I cannot really say what I will do or what my favorite is. Honestly, I am just counting the days to the end of March. Also I am just too keen on graduating that I actually sat down and really thought about what my favorite is.

Good Night Folks

Anyways, it is getting later and I have two tests and a presentation tomorrow so I should head to bed. I will listen to some music and then close my eyes until tomorrow morning. Thank you for reading! Tomorrow I will continue my regular posting routine (so get excited about another nanotechnology monday).

As always,
Cheers @lesshorrible!

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