Getting things moving again....

 After a holiday break it can sometimes be hard to get the body up and moving again the first morning of work.  Extra caffeine, long conversations and a fuzzy memory are some of the signs you may experience.  For others though getting started again is simple; they just jump back in the groove.  So what is it that differentiates the easy to jump back in from the "oh no, not again" group?

  There are a few standout qualities in those individuals who are constantly overwhelmed and and bogged down and the individuals who are ready to begin improving things as soon as they get back:

How did they leave?

​  Most individuals and teams will start their holiday break by making sure there desk area is in 5S condition and neater than they left it before.  Many studies have shown that in fact the way you leave your workplace will correlate strongly with the condition of the area when you return.  Just like Admiral William McRaven shares in the video below: "If you wanna change the world, start off by making your bed."  If you leave your work area in a neat, tidy and sanitary condition when you leave you will return more energized, calm and ready to begin again. 

 Spend some time at the Gemba.

  You may be tempted to hang out by the coffee dispenser and chug down one cup after another.  While the caffeine will certainly give you a boost of energy, to much caffeine may leave you feeling anxious, frantic and disorientated.  Don't get me wrong a little energy is good for everyone, but try taking one cup to the gemba.  At the gemba you can review the process and refresh your mind while interacting and strengthening relationships with others.  Take a piece of paper with you as you visit the gemba and jot down notes pertaining to: the energy of the value stream, the load of demand placed on the team and of course any changes in the process that may have occurred in the interim. 

 Come together!

  Last but not least, bring the team together.  Take some time for icebreakers, sharing and quality time.  Though from a production efficiency standpoint this might not make any sense at all, ponder for a minute the tactical approach.  Meeting together in a morning huddle and taking 5 minutes to share one thing or begin with an icebreaker can be a nice transition that helps others feel as though they are cared for.  

  1. Ask about family, friends and experiences.
  2. Play a fun 5 minute game.

The key is to segway and TRANSITION back into improvements.  If you begin this way you will most likely avoid the many side conversations later.  All you have to do is show you care.

 There you have it; three very simple things to get continuous improvement started again when you return from a holiday break.

 ***How do you reach out and re-energize teams when they return from a holiday break?*** 

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