How to teach puberty in adolescents

hai steemian friend, on this occasion I will share with you on how to teach puberty to teenagers.


Before providing child sex education, parents should learn first and be prepared with a learning plan along with tools for books on body organs and picture reproduction functions such as medical books with pictures of organs.

There are two important points that teenagers need to know, namely the reproduction and expression of love.

In explaining the reproduction, describe to the child what parts of the reproductive organs and how the organ proceeds until it is finally 'ripe'.

Dad then explains the wet dreams on boys, while the mother explains about menstruation. Try to direct your explanation on the reproductive science of medical biology. When discussing with a child, prepare science books about reproduction near you.

Simple but the result will be very good.
Show the child that reproduction is a natural thing that not only happens to humans, but also to other living things. So the discussion leads to biology.

Teaching the expression of love is important, so that our children do not carelessly express love.

Children who express love inappropriately are usually because they are never guided and told who they can express their love.

Then, what to explain?

Explain to them how the expression of love is viewed from various norms. First, describe how the expression of love according to religious norms that you embrace.

Furthermore, how also the expression of love according to culture. For example, kissing lips. In western countries, kissing in public is considered normal. While in Indonesia, kissing in public-even if the couple did once-will be considered indecent, disrespectful and violating the norm.

Another example, in Islamic religious norms for example, the expression of love should only be done husband and wife. Even a Muslim is forbidden to touch the opposite sex that is not muhrim. After all, religion regulates these things as a preventive measure.

Encourage children to imagine what the consequences would be if they violated these norms. Talk about the worst possible situation. For example if he excessive and have sex while still sitting in school.

'If you have sex before marriage, it's the worst you can get pregnant. If you are nine months pregnant, the school would not accept.

As a result, you can not go to school, nor can you get free in the mall with big stomach. After the baby is born, you have to take care of the baby from morning until morning again. So want to hang-out with friends, your baby crying for breastfeeding.

At two o'clock in the morning while sleeping, eeeh .. your baby is crying because the diaper is wet. Though you're still sleepy ... and tired. Approximately, are you ready to not go through it all? '

When should parents start giving sex education?
When we are close to the child, usually we will be sensitive to see if the child has been showing symptoms of puberty.


Normally, boys will publish at age 14, while women are 12 years old. But with the phenomenon of early mature sex that is now a lot happening, children can be puberty earlier. For example, if a 3rd grader or even a kindergarten has begun to like the opposite sex, it is time for parents to give sex education gradually and earlier.

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