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RE: Website Live!

RE: Website Live!

I don't expect to change your mind either.
I do want to bring to your attention a couple of things. First of all you never really addressed what I said about the Covenant, man sinned and only God passed through the animals. Therefore, Jesus' death could not have fulfilled that covenant if he was only man. Rather he had to be fully man and fully God. If he was not fully God then he would have had a sin nature and therefore would have sin, making his own sacrifice worthless because he had sin of his own.

Also... With John 1. You can't make the assumption that "I believe the word is not a person." If that were the case the Bible would not have said in the beginning was The Word, and the Word was with God, and The Word was with God. HE was in the beginning with God.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

Realize that I put emphasis on HE. He didn't say it. Because an it would mean that it wasn't a person. No it says He. Meaning The Word was a person and it dwelt among us. Sure The Word became flesh, but it still means that The Word has always been and always will be. The Word was in the beginning.

Furthermore, I understand how a lot of people prefer the KJV. It is known to not be as accurate as the NASB which I just proved in my previous post. Therefore preference doesn't have too much of a bearing on it, because truth is the truth. And that has no bearing on one's preferences.

Have a blessed day. I hope that I gave you stuff to think about as well.

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