Luckily, you too, can create your own happiness.

Don't put your happiness in someone else's hands....

they will drop it.....they will drop it every time

People often ask me why I am so happy, and how I remain so positive....

I never have a clear answer

I woke up today....

my house was not on fire, and I have yet to develop cancer

I have countless reasons to be happy

Simple things bring me happiness, children's laughter, bare feet on green grass, fresh flowers, being silly....

truth is I have horrible days too....

I cry, I go all "hulk"

I am a person who believes you should absolutely own your emotions

If you are mad, get mad.

stomp, scream, call your best friend

Don't stay there though, you deserve better.

I don't broadcast every low, just as I don't feel the need to boast about every high

Many moons ago I decided that I was responsible for my own happiness

Too many times it has been crushed by other people's carelessness with it

The universe has a sick sense of humor, once you accept that many other things become clear

other people don't (and shouldn't) determine your value, everyone does not have your best interests in mind, you don't have to attend every argument you are invited to, you are enough, sometimes things really do happen to us, you can not always take control, it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow, you don't need a a reason to be happy.

It is perfectly acceptable to look in the mirror and tell yourself "you rock" once a day.

Until further notice......Celebrate every stuff

Happiest of Wednesdays to you!!

Much Love


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