Growing The Party

Growing The Party

By: Kory Watkins


TEXAS- There is one thing that I have learned for sure during my short lived time in politics. If you have a powerful message of freedom, that is pure, you will attract people from all walks of life. In general, people want to be free, people want to be left alone. Freedom is popular and where there is a light of it, people will flock to it.

Session after business in Arkansas.

Our campaign has been active for 10 months now touring Texas and meeting people from all over. We have been to over 100 events, some Libertarian Party meetings, NORML meetings, many different speaking events, A Presidential tour in Texas, debates, cannabis walks and so much more. We have captured the hearts and minds of many people all across Texas.

Cannabis Carry

Our campaign team consist of hardcore libertarians who have been in the party for a very long time. In addition, we are lucky enough to have people from other parties realizing the Libertarian Party, when presented the message of freedom in a pure form, is the right place for them. We have several Democrats who are helping and supporting our campaign, being swayed towards gold. Not by force, not with tricks or evil, but by leading by example, displaying a good message of libertarianism and by loving people. Freedom and love are contagious! The same thing is taking place with some who used to associate with the Republican Party. They too are helping and supporting our campaign, donating time and money. One of the things that makes me smile the most is when I hear someone tell me "I have never voted before but I will for you." and I can't count how many times I have heard that the last 10 months. This campaign's bold message is not only attracting Libertarians, Democrats and Republicans but we are attracting a very large amount of people who do not vote. We are the ONLY campaign that is actually DOING this, not just saying it or saying we are going to do it after the nomination, but actually doing it.

Love, freedom, innovation has young people who have never voted, getting registered, we have people who are in their 50's or higher doing the same. These are all recipes for victory here in Texas. We must separate ourselves from the left and the right. We are one thousand times better than the two old parties and we must not be scared to show it.
18 year old alternate delegate for the Libertarian Party

In order for us to grow our party it is very simple, just be libertarian. Stop worrying about being politically correct, or what people think about other people in our party. We need gay people, we need transgender, we need black people or as my good friend LaTonya would say "More chocolate please!". If we want to stop takeovers from happening, just be libertarian. Over 40-50% of people do not vote. They are not looking for a Republican light or Democrat light, no they want a person who is real, authentic and someone who is not scared to be libertarian.

L and me.jpg
LaTonya and I out meeting new people

Moral of the story, don't be afraid to be libertarian!

Here is a list of things our campaign is doing, not talking about it, or telling you that it's going to happen, but actually doing it. #GrowTheParty

  1. Growing the party with people from all walks of life.
  2. Bringing in non voters.
  3. Bringing in black people.
  4. Bringing in Hispanic people.
  5. An active campaign that is not just talking to LP circles. How do you expect to get more than 2% if you only campaign from April-November? Our campaign has being going nonstop for almost a year.
  6. Getting donations from inside the party and out.
  7. Media attention weekly.
  8. Being Libertarian


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