New Tesla Charging Station, Hamilton NZ


The future is here people!

Tonight on the way to see the Incredibles II at the movies I caught sight of this new Tesla Charging rig in the underground car park at the Te Awa mall. I don't know how long it has been there but this was the first time I have noticed it.


Earlier this month I noticed that there was a sign in town for an Electrical Vehicle, charging station. I was so happy to see some sign of progress towards future proofing our small city for the increase of EVs. So I was super surprised to see a Tesla only charging station tonight on the way to the movies.


I haven't seen many Tesla cars in Hamilton (if at all). I have seen one in Auckland. It was a Tesla, Model X and it was a Taxi! I was pretty impressed to see that in the heart of Auckland. Tonight I got a glimse of a Tesla car that was in the midst of charging.


I am so glad to see more environmentally friendly cars where I live. Hamilton is a small city with a population closing in on 200,000 people. Hamilton has many nick names such as "Hamiltron", "the Tron", "H-town" or even "Hicksville". I am glad to see some change taking place to progress Hamilton to the future. Maybe the reputation of being a poor, farmers city will change for the better. I'd like to see my small city become a center for environmental progress. Who knows? Maybe I will even get a Tesla car myself! A Steemit powered Tesla would be the ultimate dream! 😅🚗

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