Life Blog #1

Blog entry #1

First time ever writing a blog so please be patient with me. I’ll begin with where I currently stand in life and add my life growing up a little later in other blogs. I live a normal life I suppose. I am a veteran I enlisted upon graduating high school and served 8 years. Had a great time in the military but things just weren’t going the way I wish they would have. In my opinion I felt more like a babysitter than anything else always responsible for some privates actions. I mean don’t get me wrong there are things as a supervisor that you can prevent a subordinate from doing through mentoring and coaching but you shouldn’t be expected to hold their hand through life these are adults now. I’m not here to blog about everything I hated about the military because we could go on forever anyone who served probably could. The good outweighs the bad. All said I just felt like the military had gotten off track of what it used to be when I first joined catering to much to the new generation of kids coming in but that’s just my opinion let me know what you think about the military’s direction if you have served down in the comments.

  • [ ] I will end with why I really want to start a blog. Life for me seems like it is taking a turn into the dark and I think to help me get back into the light, be a better person in my relationship and in life i should blog. I feel like writing things out should help me see some things that I’m not seeing on my own, if that makes sense and also to hear things from others down in the comments on things I can do or try
  • [ ] Thanks for reading please leave a comment and stay tuned
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