The grasshopper


Have you ever stay put, and watch how nature is so perfect.

This weekend I went on a journey with some friends, we went to a town near our city, "nothing that special".But it was an amazing experience.... to see how and what people do for a living and how they just blend with nature. They don´t have big buildings, tablets, expensive phones or wifi everywhere nether streets with pavement but the children in that town are happier than most of the children I watch in my daily basis. The people I knew in that Town is really blended with nature, their life is to be in contact with nature. Kinds running out on the streets playing with dirt and getting dirty. Kids can tell us very much about how is life in a town or city because they reflect what they see. So if the parents are in this way living in contact with nature letting them get some dirt and just relax kids will seem happier and thats what I saw in the visit to this town.

Let´s try to blend in nature like the grasshopper of the picture. That if it wasn´t for that tree we couldn´t spot it. Let´s try to enjoy getting some dirt. Let´s try to blend in to the small but significant moments.

As always, thanks for reading!


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