My favorite drink

Everyone must be familiar with the name of coconut, but not everyone knows what the hell contained in the coconut, and what is the benefit of coconut fruit, but before proceeded first let us first see the parts of a coconut fruit tree.
Coconut tree consists of: Root, tree trunk, lapping, and leaves, and coconut fruit.
The root of the coconut tree is a very large number of fibers, and it is useful to keep the tall stems so as not to fall, the benefit for the land around coconut trees is not easily avalanche, due to the coconut roots.
The height of coconut trees that reach 20 meters at the age of 20 years and above, coconut tree trunks can be used as building materials, materials for purniture, and other materials as needed.
The coconut flower is like a giant petals made up of long stems and leaves with large numbers, coconut leaves have bones commonly called lidi, young coconut leaves commonly used as janur, made ketupat, while the old coconut leaves are usually used as broomsticks , or other crafts commonly made by special craftsmen.
Coconut meat is wrapped by skin and coir, and also protected by very hard shell, coconut husk is usually used as a rope (Tambang) and can be knitted into kesetan or handicraft, as we usually see in rumah.sedangkan coconut shell can be used as charcoal (charcoal), or made crafts by special craftsmen.
Coconut flesh used to make coconut milk for various human needs, such as to make oil, (coconut oil) and many other benefits of coconut fruit from young to old coconut fruit.According to research experts that contained in coconut meat is 90% saturated fatty acids and 105 unsaturated fatty acids.
Although it contains saturated fatty acids but whose name is coconut oil has a medium carbon chain, making it easily digested by the body, medium chain fatty acids are better than long chain fatty acids because they can be directly digested in the intestine without any hydrolysis and enzymatic processes.
So far, coconut fruit processed producers that are considered most useful by researchers are "Virgin coconut oil" (VCO) is an oil produced through a certain process so that produces natural produck that can help for the health of the human body.
Medium chain fatty acids are also not converted into fat or cholesterol and do not affect blood cholesterol, and are associated with the benefits of medium chain fatty acids are specifically capable of, among others: anti-function, anti-bacterial, anti-protozoa and anti-virus.
It turns out that not only meat and oil are beneficial from this fruit, the water is very beneficial to the health of the human body, because the name of coconut water allegedly contain many nutrients, then with a nutrient-dense nutrient of coconut water can be developed more than that .
Coconut water also contains vitamin C 2.7 mg / 100ml.sedangkan mineral water coconut consists of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and others.
Because of the many nutrients contained in the coconut water that makes the coconut water is very rich in efficacy, to treat cholera, vomiting, smallpox and measles, including skin diseases, just by drinking, in addition coconut water also has the potential to develop into isotonic drinks, because in the coconut water has a mineral and sugar content is very perfect, so it has an electrolyte balance.
For those of you who want to try to make coconut oil themselves, it is very easy, because it does not require special skills, like the people of old, they make coconut oil for cooking needs and for the needs of the drug by making it yourself traditionally that is:
Select the old coconut fruit, then peeled (the amount is up)
Wash peeled coconut fruit then shredded
Squeeze the grated coconut until santanya out all
Cook the coconut milk in a concave or frying pan, with medium heat
Stir constantly to keep the coconut milk from breaking,
The cooking process is a bit old, but the results are very useful, so if I may suggest if you want to practice other than the materials that are prepared, you also have some other supporters who make us later not bored, like Coffee Radio if you need to bring a laptop hahaha, So make oil while online hahaha
Over time the cooked coconut milk will shrink and the color will become yellowish, and it indicates that the oil is almost finished, stirring constantly until it really has become oil as expected,
After that let stand to cool, then filtered, and the dregs can be used for mixed chili sauce, or eaten just like that, because it tastes very tasty and tasty, if in my village oil is called "galendo", it's ueeenak tenan, try dech hehe
So little info about coconut fruit and its benefits, less and more I beg ma'af, but easy-mudan course there are benefits for you who read this simple article.
Thank you

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