The Colour Of Rain

The sun will be back tomorrow, but soon it will be day after day of rain. That's life here in the Pacific Northwest.


At least in Victoria it rarely snows, but the constant rain can really get on your nerves. Every fall I have to make an effort to fight off the blues and get outside.


It's not all bad however. I find colours can be quite vivid in the rain. Bad weather photography can be more rewarding than shooting under a bright blue sky.


While I enjoy the reflected light on the leaves, this might look better with a polarizing filter which would remove some of the glare. I have to remember to give this a try.


Wet streets are always interesting. I like shooting with my little Olympus em-5 because it fits in my coat pocket and it's easy to keep it dry.


My Nikon DSLR has much better image quality, but that doesn't help if it sits at home on a shelf. The small camera is always with me.


Just remember... when the clouds roll in and it starts to rain, take some kind of camera, whatever you have, and go take some photos!

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