Miracles, when appreciated abound in multitude!

Thoughts dissolve
Peace abounds
Clarity appears,
Like the reflection of the moon
bouncing off the stillness of the lake
Looking into the lake I see the Universe
As my eyes rest on the water
The surface disappears

Where the lake once was
The Universe IS
Where I once was
The Universe IS
Where I am now
The Universe IS
Where the Universe IS
There I AM


It's been a while since I sat under the moonlight to meditate. Today, I was given such a blessed opportunity I can only say what a beautiful gift it was that the Universe delivered - with great pomp and grandeur I must add!

To sit in a magical place that brings about the most blissful experiences is in itself a gift many would cherish. In fact, I too once searched in earnestness for these magical spots, travelling far and wide for it. These days, I have the opportunity to visit it daily, AND today we sat in its beautiful garden to meditate under the light of the full moon. The Abode of Giving Love.

It's been a while since I went off on a beautiful adventure within. Touching beyond the edges of the universe, diving deep between the spaces of the atoms, expanding beyond the confines of the known. Though the sights themselves were enough to have me sit in absolute rapture - the thing that was pure joy was sitting enjoying the sensation of my feet against the grass - like I was experiencing it for the very first time, having my heart filled to the brim with joy and contentment. It was like everything was right in the world, making me appreciate ALL that made this moment/day possible - what an absolute blessing this life is!

As my life flashed before my eyes, I saw each person, each moment, each experience - in a new light - one that brought such gratitude and appreciation. Perfectly placed there for me, looking out for me, bringing tremendous blessings.

The smell of incense rose like a mist, forming a cloud that just added to the mystical ambience of it all. Candles and lamps all around, the whole atmosphere just took on an otherworldly experience.

Sitting in a circle of beautiful hearts connecting, the collective brilliance was bright even through closed eyes. Every cell felt turned on - the effect was just phenomenal. Anything seemed possible, we existed in the realm of the infinite. Seeing our planet, our lives, our families, our friends - all connected from this one brilliant light!

Even now, the light glows not like a bulb - but like a mist dispersing its scent of light all around.


Left unappreciated - this epic moment would simply become an ordinary day with a hint of awesome.

In fully appreciating it - I see every moment spun out like eternity - like a flower in constant bloom. If only I stop, slow down enough, breathe and realise - the gifts of this day come with me touching each moment ahead with grace, hope, unlimited potential, abundance and pure bliss. Each moment, a miracle waiting to be unveiled by our PRESENCE.

So it is with great joy that I document this, as it would appear in my timeline someday to remind me - I AM BLESSED!

What wondrous possibilities have emerged! I look forward as they unfold, like the thousand petaled lotus that emerged from our minds, now etched in my heart blooming, unveiling more beauty!


I can't help but appreciate this life. It has brought me so perfectly - to this place, a tribe of golden hearts, a sanctum of divine grace in the midst of our mundane world - ready to awaken us to ourselves - to who we truly are.



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