#26 : When Things Became Scarce...

Have you gotten so used to certain things on a daily basis that you often took it for granted?

Things such as your water and electricity supply, internet and telecommunication lines are something which our modern society lived, work and thrive in.

But yet, often times we took all these things for granted until it became scarce or taken away from us, disrupting our lives completely.

Then, it jolts us to reality before we realised just how much we can't do without all these creature comforts which we have taken for granted.

For my case, it was my water supply.


I first found out about the water disruption in my area sometime end of last week, when a friend who was staying in my neighbourhood send me a WhatsApp message and a link to an online news article on the water disruption in my area.

My first thought was "Not again??!!"

I recalled the last time I was inconvenienced by the disruption of water supply in my area was about one or two years ago. I had to hunt down several stores just to buy three heavy duty water storage in order to make sure I have enough water for my daily needs such as bathing, cooking and cleaning. I remembered having to be extremely careful over my usage of water as every drop counts.

However, when I looked back it was actually through all these inconveniences in life that makes me learn to view things from a different perspective.

I found new ways to reuse and recycle my water

I reused the water from the washing of my clothes for toilet use, the cleaning of toilets and bathrooms, etc

I found ideas on how to maximize my water usage

I dipped all my dirty dishes into a large basin to remove the dirt first, before scrubbing it with the dishwashing liquid. After scrubbing it, I rinsed off the dirt and grime away by cleaning it in another large basin until all dirt is removed. By doing so, I saved at least 50% of water usage instead of allowing the tap to run freely.

I became more conscious of how I use my water

I used to let the wash basin tap run while I brushed my teeth and cleansed my face in the bathroom. Now, I turned off the water tap each time to prevent wastage.

Whenever I see any burst water pipes or water leakages in public places, I will alert the relevant authorities to inform them to prevent water wastage.

I learned to prepare for any eventualities

I learned that one must always be prepared at all times for any circumstances in life no matter what happens. As such, I have a permanent water storage tank that is filled with water just in case there are any unannounced water cuts in my area.

I learned to be grateful

I learned to be grateful for even the simplest things life such as appreciating the water we have without which, we would not be able to keep our bodies nourished, cleansed our bodies and perform our day to day activities.

What have you taken for granted lately?

What has it taught you?

KarinzDailyGrind is filling up the water tanks in her home to prepare for the water disruption in her neighbourhood. When she is not busy getting her hands dirty indulging in her passion projects, she blogs about life, psychology, motivation, business and marketing on Steemit.

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