I stand still

I stand still

The day I was standing
Small rivers flowing on my left side,
The old crematorium on its shore
Landed house on the right side
Old church ...

In the old building of the landlord house
Female College. A huge field in front
And on the contrary, her
This small ferry passes away ....

I was standing here that day
Yes, here is the bakul tree
There is a similar
And in the river's transparent waters
See the mice
Which way have gone ..

I have ever been before
He listened to the ears to run this dighir
Ramode Sarangam
Oracle is still tune
Hariram is still left throat ...

Do you remember hirram?
When you hear his voice, you get to burn
And I laughs my life ...

When you come across the ferry
Then the hours in the Temple of the Upper House
You can come to that time every day,
This was the time .....

Why is the Upper Mosque today?
Hear the call to Azan
The mind grew upside down
So I ran here ...

Although you do not come at that time
Still you think you will
Really you came

Wearing branches in two hands
The vermillion filled in the syndrome
One of the twins across the coil
I just wanted to
I have seen many times ...

My memory covers
Just your face
And you get them
Keep on touching the chest ......

Forget old memories
I could not book the book
Cry and moan ..

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