
So, I believe my last post said something about what I find interesting.
Well I can account that I had a lot of firsts on this trip. At 39 years old, I finally got to:
-See and touch a manta ray, sea cucumbers, starfish, sea urchins, and anemone.
-See a wild porcupine, a wild bald eagle (which I fed a mackerel to), and a wild endangered Canadian Lynx.
-Step into an ocean, jump off a boat, swim in an ocean.
-Caught a fish (mackerel) and ate it (it tastes better fresh than what you get around here (Ontario).
-Walked up 426 steps, down a hill bigger than than that (zig-zagging through streets), up that same hill in a straight line, and down 396 steps...all within 3 hours and without becoming tired or sore. I don't want to do it again and it also explains why I only saw skinny Quebec people.
-First time putting 2100km on a vehicle in less than 22 hours of driving.
(all images were taken, without zoom, from an LG Nexus 5X smart phone and are unaltered because I don't see a need to alter anything in life)

So where did we start?
Here we have one of Canada's castles, Chateau Frontenac and an image from 17.5 stories up (almost the top).

Mount (something or other)
Yeah. Took a picture from the top of a mountain

The primary reason why I wanted to go to Nova Scotia. To find where my family settled, which was partly disappointing because I had no idea what to expect and was surprised to find out it was a few houses on a small street.

Someone was holding back more branches so I can take this shot.

After finding some family more directly related to me (turns out to be my father's cousins) they brought me here: the house my grandfather grew up in.

The secondary reason to go to Nova Scotia: my first ocean


Finally an approachable edge (I only went in up to my knees at this beach)

I finally found out the reason for these. Although I did know they had something to do with rocks under the water, I found out they were set about 15'-20' outside rocks, reefs, or sand bars.

And a sunset image for those who love beauty.

Now my secret reason for going to an ocean: what can I see on spherical earth? Well? The shoreline of Cape Breton ~20 miles away (left side of image).
I'm still trying to find personal, concrete evidence of a "ball-earth" whether it's "oblate" or "pear-shaped". After all, every image from NASA and Russia is a perfect sphere despite what their math says. But none of the captains and sailors I talked to believe the earth is a ball, not from the ocean perspective, at least (They don't fly much). It doesn't take as long as "they" say to get to Europe from Nova Scotia on a boat. Unfortunately, I never got clarification on who "they" are.

For all the botanists out there: What plant is this? I want these at my place but I don't know what they are.

Lastly, the concept behind every spooky forest scene in movies; just in the day time.

Finally, a random picnic table.

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