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Hi Steemians! šŸ¤—

I celebrated my 20th birthday last September 24 and as I reflected on what happened in my 20 years, I ended up writing what are the things I learned from all the experiences and challenges that I faced. I will post my birthday photos next on my blog. Make sure to follow me! šŸ˜Š

  • Life is a precious giftĀ 

Life is a gift that we should appreciate and be thankful for. It offers us the opportunity and responsibility to give something back by becoming more. Ā 

  • Live life with passionĀ 

We should make time for our passions in life. Living life will make you happy and at the same time fulfilled. Ā Ā·Ā 

  • Life is not a competitionĀ 

Life is not about who's better. Life is not about who succeeded first. Everyone is in his/her own journey. Life is about helping and inspiring others to reach our own goals. Ā 

  • Ā Slow down and enjoy the momentĀ 

We always rush things. We want success in just a snap of a finger but we should be reminded of God has a perfect timing for everything. Let's just lean back, enjoy the ride, do your part and let God do the rest. Ā 

  • Smile is the best way to change your looksĀ 

You feel your ugly? Well, you're not! You don't need any make-up to feel pretty, you just need to smile! Always remember that peace begins with a beautiful smile.Ā 

  • If you don't believe in yourself, nobody willĀ 

Everything starts with ourselves. We should start believing our self so that others will believe you. We should love our self so that others will love us back. In short, we teach others how they will treat us.Ā 

  • Don't compare yourself, or try to be someone elseĀ 

We have different stories to tell. We have different challenges to face. We have different lessons to learn. Let's stop comparing ourselves because we are unique in our own ways and we're better than we think of ourselves. Comparing yourself or trying to be someone else is a game you'll never win. Ā 

  • You don't need everyone to like youĀ 

Itā€™s true that we all want to be loved but we canā€™t expect everyone to love us. Life doesnā€™t work that way. Donā€™t worry, if someone doesnā€™t like you, nothing actually happens. The world still continues. Just be thankful for your friends and family who loves you so much. Ā 

  • When the door of happiness closes, another door opensĀ 

Life doesn't stop when a door closes because there are other doors that will open. We often look so long at the closed one that we don't see what was open for us. Sometimes, we should not focus on the things that is not for us, there are more opportunities that will come. Just wait, the perfect door for you will come! šŸ˜‰Ā 

  • Happiness comes from withinĀ 

Maybe, material things can make us happy but it's just temporary. These things shouldn't define who we are because eventually it will make us feel empty inside. As time goes by, we're going to realize that happiness comes from within and not from the things that we have.Ā 

  • Failing doesn't mean stoppingĀ 

There's a big difference with failing and stopping. If you fail, that doesn't mean you stop. Failing is just the beginning of another journey. Life doesn't stop when you fail. Stand up and bounce back! Ā 

  • There are no mistakes, only lessons we need to masterĀ 

Technically speaking, yes, we commit mistakes and there are mistakes. But in a deeper sense, our mistakes are only life lessons that we should learn and instill in our life. The moment we encounter the same situation, that's the moment we prove that we learned from the challenges that life threw at us. Ā 

  • It's okay not to be okay

It's better to cry if you want to cry. Crying doesn't make you weak. In fact, crying with someone is more healing than crying alone. Tears don't mean your losing the battle you are in to. It's okay to express what you are feeling rather than pretending everything is okay. Ā 

  • Your mindset is also important

It is important that we should be positive because it will let us do everything better. It's always better to look on the brighter side of every situation. We should have a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset.Ā 

  • Sometimes, the person you think will hurt you or abandon you, is instead one of the few who will help you to get upĀ 

We tend to judge others because we don't want to get hurt in the future. We're thinking of bad things that they might do if we give our trust to them but we should learn to stop judging and generalizing things. Not because someone left us or someone hurts us means that everyone will do the same thing. Sometimes, the people who we least care and trust are the ones who will help us to get up from a fall.

  • Ā Love is a verb

Ā It's not enough to say that we love someone else. We need to take actions to show others we care and to show them we love them.Ā 

  • We should know what/who to hold on and what/who to let go

Ā This is simple yet complicated. Let go of the things that make you unhappy and hold on to things that make you fulfilled and happy. Ā 

  • Everything changesĀ 

Change is constant. We can't stop the world in changing; it is absolute. The climate is changing, gadgets are changing and even people, everything is changing and we should be ready on what might happen next.Ā 

  • Feel proud of what you've achievedĀ 

Sharing your access can inspire other people. You should feel proud of what you have achieve but don't forget to be humble as well. Ā Ā 

  • You're writing your own destinyĀ 

I'm not saying that you should live your life according to my views and opinions. What works for me, may not work for you. We're all writing our own destiny and it's up to you where you want to lead yourself in to. Ā Ā Ā Ā 


Photo credit: click here

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