Writing a story that only you can write

A reader will always be more interested in your steemit post if you write it in a way that only you can. I know, I know…easier said than done. But, maybe not. It can actually be easier than you think if you have the right tools.

As a writer, I can tell you: if you put the time into making a story your own, it will pay off in views, upvotes, and follows.

It doesn’t matter what subject you’re writing about, there will be someone else, somewhere, who is writing about the same things. Why should people invest their time, then, in reading your post versus that of another writer?

The answer is simple. It’s because of YOU. You are unique. Your point of view, and the way you express that point of view, should come across differently than anyone else’s.

Easy steps to write a story your way:

  • Step 1: Establish a voice. This means you’re using consistent language that reflects your personality (and general point-of-view on things). Voice shines through in elements like: word choices, the types of examples you give, your tone (e.g. does your writing come across as positive or negative? Maybe it’s a serious tone, or maybe it’s laid back), and the overall feeling you give people after they read your work. You should write in one clear, consistent voice (**although you can alter your tone, when appropriate).

If you’re copying and pasting other people’s articles—changing them up a bit so it isn’t technically plagiarizing—and then adding in a few words of your own…trust me, you will have no voice of your own in that story.
Without your voice interwoven throughout the text, your readers will not connect with you and will have no long-term plans to read your future stories.

Your voice is your brand. Remember: stay on brand.

  • Step 2: Let your reader know why your perspective matters. It’s not that you have to outright list every single one of your credentials (you're not writing a resume, after all) but you do need to let people know: are you an expert on this subject? Maybe you have a crazy anecdote linking you to the topic? Or you researched several credible sources, which in turn makes you more credible. People want to know why your story is worth their time.

  • Step 3: Use story to engage your readers. Regardless of your topic, you can use story to make your post more interesting. Include a hook near the top of your post, if not in the very first sentence or two. Balance story (using tools like anecdotes or analogies) with facts, and back up your facts.

I’m reading Wired for Story, by Lisa Cron, and she suggests that every good story basically boils down to this: a good story gives readers a sense of preparation for what could happen.

A story will hook us, she says, if it teaches us strategies or how to navigate through something that could potentially happen in the future (this works if your story is about buying cryptocurrency or if it’s piece of fiction about the zombie apocalypse).

Next time you develop a post, try using each of these three steps to strengthen your writing. And, practice (a lot!).

If you’re looking for more advice on how to create good content, check out my article on writing stories people actually want to read and how to find the right words.

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