Late Night Steemit Cafe #17: A Breath on the Window

From just inside the cafe you look out onto the foggy abyss that stretches out beyond the winding path between worlds. The Manager, who is usually quick to greet you, instead is in a deep conversation with a person sitting at the bar. Another traveler, you suppose.

You're looking at the window in thought, sipping on your drink, when you suddenly decide to breathe on the window, fogging it. In the fog, for no reason you can fathom, you write the word 'hi' with your finger. In a few moments, the message fades and you go back to your drink and your thoughts.

That is, until you hear a breath, see the window fog up. But this time from the other side. In the breath on the window you a message inscribed with an invisible finger.


You look to The Manager. Still deep in conversation. Well, you suppose you can't go to him for everything. You fog the window with your breath once more.

Who are you?

After a moment, the presence responds:

I live here

In the cafe?


The Manager finishes his conversation, patting the other traveler heartily on the shoulder. He then walks over to you.

Don't tell him

It's the last message on the window, in the fog, before you feel the presence leave.

"Hello there, Traveler," he says. Then his brow furrows. "Everything alright? You look a bit flustered."

You say nothing, but look back to the window in wonder.

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