Today’s write-up is a mix of small kokonsa (gossip) and facts. So abeg don’t read this aloud wai. If you finish reading and decide to say it somewhere, o kul kwraa but abeg make you no mention my name. I don’t even know what you’re talking about in advance…lol.


You see, I’m a curious little lass. Hold on. Cancel ‘little’ and replace it with ‘cute’

Ohh yeah! God didn’t joke with me at all.

So on one of my snooping missions, I chanced upon Jewish music.

Wow! "Why hadn’t this thought come to mind earlier?"
I mean I’ve been reading the Bible ‘since the 80s’ so how come it never occurred to me to look for some ‘father Abraham’ music to listen to?

I probably won’t understand ‘shele mmom’ (anything though) but at least it’s still music and I love u music alright.

I quickly searched for an earpiece and ‘gbelee’ (turned up) the volume.

Moments later:

Kwɛ! Mɛni nɛ? (Hey! What’s this?)
Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! Ah!

I checked the tittle again.
It was Jewish music alright. I just couldn’t believe my ears.

Ndwom bɛn ni (What kind of song is this?) Anyone who might have seen my face at that moment would have noticed the disappointment.

Credit: Giphy

Fine, maybe only this one ‘messop’ for my ears inside. Abi over here in my country kwraa we have ‘khaki supporter’ music too?
So oya make I listen to another one and see.


And the next song started playing.
Stap! Stap! Stap! Stap!

In fact that one sounded like Chinese music with Hindi rhythm and Safafrica (South Africa) dancehall mix in my ears. It was no better.

This must be a joke right?

• Enobe this nnwom wey dema Bible pipos (Isn't this the songs the Bible people) used to invoke God’s power over dema enemies nu?

• Ah wait oo…Uncle Joshua led the Israelites to walk around the Jericho wall for only seven days and all they did was to sing some songs like this and it worked?

• King David (who doubles as my bestie) used songs like these to chase demons away.

• Brother Paul and brother Silas were able to invite angelic beings with this kinda song and they got freed.

• Hah! So most of the Psalms of king David might sound like this too right?

In fact I was perplexed and just couldn’t ‘think far’. For the music deɛ me I stopped listening kwraa and I moved my body somewhere. I was in deep thought.

My Expectation

The Bible recounts several instances where songs sang to God did mighty wonders. All I expected was some ‘shokiric’ music bi to tease the soul. Or some beautiful melody bi that can make us ‘gyighaa’ (excited) on the first listen.

The Reality

I was however disappointed in what I had just listened to. It wasn’t the language; no I don’t think so.

Many of us sing songs in languages we do not understand yet we listen and sing them simply because we love the rhythm, not the words – even songs we hear for the first time. We sing songs from Safafrica, Naija, Côte d’Ivoire and even that kwraa only few people understand the song.

But we sing it anyway because it is appealing to our ears. What then is the mystery behind Biblical music la?


The Mystery

Come to think of it, I never read anywhere in the Bible that God complimented anyone for a great voice in song ministration.

He rather talks of the hearts of those who sang to Him. He pays attention to contrite and broken spirits (Psalm 55:17, Isaiah 66:2). Not melody or ‘sweetness’ of voice. If the one we sing to in church is this same God, then we have to pause, reflect and reconsider.

I’ve heard countless number of people make mockery of singers who sang off key during church programmes.

Of course, God encourages us to bring our best fruits to Him (Proverbs 3:9) meaning, working on our voices to sing beautifully.

But does it matter how a person’s voice sounds if the Recipient of the music is not even looking out for that?

Does it even occur to us that if the one singing touches the heart and attention of God, we may be penalized by God for mocking a ministration to Him? (2 Samuel 6:20-23) Friends, listen; we’ve got to be discreet about our actions in the presence of God because none of what is done there is done to please us anyway.

The Bible says God uses the foolish things of this earth to conform the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27). For all you know, that ‘unpleasant’ voice or melody has summoned angels to work mightily in the supernatural.

Perhaps that song, yes, the one with the awkward melody, is breaking some ‘Jerichorian’ walls in the spirit. That not-so-fine song may be inducing angelic dance ministrations to the Lord, casting out and stopping demonic activities in the name of Jesus. For all you know, sweetheart, that song is the one that got God tapping His feet. It’s all about your heart. Personally, gospel hip hop is my favorite genre of music. I love the rhythm and all. But what’s the use of the rhythm and jumping around if God is not in it? It ends up as useless to God as any secular song. And as I speak to your precious selves now, there may still be doubtful thoughts on your minds. Thoughts like ‘oo kwraa but some songs diɛ’, exactly! Those songs are just what I’m writing about. Those ones you may think are way ‘below sea level’ in the Christians’ ‘Guinness book of melodious records’.

I realise king David’s songs to God were about his daily endeavors. No ‘hankyii’ lyrics biaa. King David’s songs encourages us to sing new songs to the Lord always. You wouldn’t need flamboyant words to do that! Just a sincere heart dedicated to God. Today, I encourage you brother, go on, sing to the Lord. Praise His name, sister, for He is good and His mercies endure forever.
If you like to sing but get ridiculed because of the quality your voice, certainly, you can start to work on it. But by all means, until you attain some form of perfection, sing on. If words form on your lips and your heart bubbles up in praise, sing it out. God is ever listening. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can please God with songs just like king David did. Let’s seek God sincerely with a contrite heart. Let’s not seek the approval of others before we do what we do for God. And whenever it comes to music, remember king David and his heart towards God.

Never forget, we are pleasing an audience of One.

God bless you and thanks for reading.

All photos were downloaded from


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