Dark Days at the Library

My library has a neat wood puzzle to test the ingenuity of our patrons, and while you'll just have to take my word for this claim, I managed to assemble this on my first try the other day. After several days of failure to get anything to fit. I started assembling from one side toward the other, and everything just fell into place. This was luck more than skill without a doubt.

vexing hexagon.jpg

Despite this bright spot, the day has been dark. Literally. Rain is here, the sky is overcast, and the day never felt like it properly got started. The sun is setting decidedly earlier than it did even a month ago. Nights are colder, too, although I don't think it has hit a danger of freezing gardens yet.

Our patrons didn't seem too glum, at least. Several of our favorite patrons stopped in, and the kids weren't too obnoxious. I call that a win.

We've had a lot of discussions about books for home-schoolers of late. I like the fact that our patrons want to make good choices for themselves and their families instead of trying to dictate what the library carries in general, and we are more than willing to serve in that reference capacity to help people find what they want.

No deep thoughts in this post. Just an experiment with more of a stream-of-consciousness diary dump. I have more in-depth drafts in the works, and time will tell whether anything comes of that.

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