Milky: The Office Dog


This 4 legged creature was born in December 25, 2015. He is as frail as a bird when was brought up in the office. My boss and her Auntie, a secretary and Belle also a secretary of our office, they like dogs, they eventually want Milky to be our Office Dog. They have taken care of Milky since then. During his 3 months stay in the office, he's funny, cute and adorable, but when he is growing up, he learn some tricks but not as K9 or any other imported dogs. He has been as curious as ever. Just like us, he's curious, learn new things, explore new places, like he wants to wander around the office, Sniffing every corner in the building. Can't say he isn't smart, I guess this wonderful dog is smart.

Milky, the office dog or an Askal dog (street dog name as it's commonly called) may seem to look a regular dog to anyone. Our secretaries thought him how to fetch some stuff using his mouth like, paper, food (in a plastic) or even thick paper that he can easily carry back at the second floor of the office. We know that someone is coming before he even knocked or call our attention when Milky wagging his tail, staring at the door or barking too loud that the sound reverberate all of the area. 

Practically, Milky likes food that he can eat everything he liked. Lol! Not all! He doesn't eat any Filipino specialty food like Bopis ( Bopis (bópiz in Spanish) is a piquant Philippine dish of pork or beef lungs and heart sautéed in tomatoes, chilies and onions. (Wikipedia). He likes dog food, of course. So there's Milky, a big muscular frame and a beige color, with a wide snout and a big opening mouth too! Milky is a friendly dog, though this is my first time to be with a dog from 8am to 5pm. As annoying as it can be, Milky is a dog, just doing his job and being part of his life "working"  in the office when barks endlessly without pay! LOL!

Photos are mine.

San Mateo
June 27, 2017

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