"Logic, critical thinking, peaceful parenting" AntiVirus.

Do you get the feeling that sometimes people just don't get what you are saying? They seem to just ignore your arguments and return to what they were thinking, without thinking about what you said? I am thinking about this, let's begin!

Two Operating Systems

We all know that Android and iOS are not cross compatible when we talk about apps. Every application must be written in a specific way so that Android or iOS can understand it and run it.

This is the exact thing with people. People have different "operating systems." We may not be aware of this, we seem to be able to understand each other most of the time. It's not a total incompatibility. It's more like some apps work perfectly across humans but some are buggy or completely incompatible.

Make no mistake these human operating systems want to maximize market share.

Capitalism and communism are two such operating systems. Their apps are ideas, which we install by learning about them and accepting them as truth. Some ideas are incompatible between the two but some are compatible. This is why even if you have a different operating system you can still feel that sometimes you are understood.

A twist with humans is that unlike smartphones we can rewrite our operating system. This is why a lot of people have a customized operating system running and you can't put them in simple categories.

The Problem of Truth

Our code is made out of ideas. The more general the idea, the more fundamental to the integrity of the OS. The way we install something is by believing it is good/true or bad/false.

When someone tries to install an idea in your head, you will resist if it's incompatible with your core code. You can easily install ideas from capitalism on a capitalism OS but not on a communism OS and vice-versa.

"Property rights are absolute", "You are not oppressed you are outcompeted", "You are responsible for your future", "Equality of opportunity", "voluntary interactions", are some apps from capitalism OS. They serve to orient the person in the world and make its action as close to reality as possible. When it fails, the system puts up a warning flag. A piece of code must be updated.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs", "public property", "you are oppressed", "You did not fail, others failed you", "We are all the same", "You have value even if you produce nothing", "Force must be used to ensure equality of outcome." Some apps from Communism OS. When it fails, the system blames, lies and invents a new skin and a new name to conserve itself.

The Clash

If two people with this OS's begin to try and install apps on one another, a conflict will be created. Warnings will pop up.

Why all the negative emotions? Because an idea so fundamental as to change half of what you believe to be true can not be considered true even if it's more close to the universal truth. It would mean the unraveling of that person. It could not function for years as he/she tries to recode all the loose ends left by one idea.

A system will run badly if it means the continuation of the system.

The Subsidy

The problem today is that Communism OS has spread more than the system could naturally do in the absence of Capitalism OS.

In a weird turn of events, the better model Capitalism OS that produces successfully and plentifully the means to sustain itself has been corrupted to sustain economically a failing Communism OS. This threatens to collapse both systems and teach humans a tough lesson about the consequences of having the wrong ideas installed. The ultimate starvation scenario.

Brain Synchronisation

It's the slow process that can make people update their OS without the need for violence and death. An important element must be installed in every new brain that grows on earth.

"Logic, critical thinking, peaceful parenting" AntiVirus.

Once this is installed in the root folder of every brain, any new OS that will emerge will either be in tune with reality or the AntiVirus will reject it, protecting the human from going on the dangerous path that leads to its annihilation.

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