Why I am an Atheist

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Hey Steemians,

today I will talk a little bit about the reasons why I am an atheist and how I became one. If you are religious please just take this as a point of view, I have no attention to attack your faith and as long as your faith and your actions because of it don't harm other people I will never speak out against it.

How I became an Atheist

I don't think I was ever really religious. My parents left the choice of being baptized up to me and I never got baptized. Of course when I was really young I believed in Christmas and that Jesus was born (and since my grandmother is catholic that he came and brought the presents) but I don't think that really counts as religious faith since I was too young to understand. Nobody in my life really was able to or found it important to bring that faith to me. Not my parents, not my friends, not my teachers so I stayed in my default position.

Why I am an Atheist

Basically everyone that considers themselves an atheist will say this, because I don't think there is sufficient objective evidence to conclude that there is a god or gods. If there was then we wouldn't reject it but there simply isn't. Religious people constantly try to come up with new proof that god exists but they always forget that the evidence has to be objective to convince an atheist. Most arguments go like "the conicidence that we came thorugh evolution is too big if one variable was off than we wouldn't be here, therefore; god" which is not an objective argument or evidence by any means. It is just "I don't understand something so I have to create an explanation for myself."

I think religion had a very important part in humanity in the past. It imposed laws which we had to follow even when we weren't being watched and gave us community which humans need to thrive. It also gave us explantions for things we could not yet understand but all these times are over. Now science can answer the same questions religion used to answer much better. Now we nationalities to create community and much better organized states and laws to make sure we aren't cruel to other people.

For myself I can't say for sure that god doesn't exist, the only thing I can say is that the evidence we currently have points in a direction where god does not exist.

I hope nobody feels attacked by this article because it is not supposed to be an attack.


Image taken from pixabay

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