Star Wars old concept art: characters and creatures - "Revenge of the Sith"

All previous week here I missed writing art reviews, was too focused on creating my own art:) But today I have a small pause, and want to share with you some Star Wars old movies concepts again. Let's jump in!:)

Battle on Grievous's secret landing platform, concept for "Revenge of the Sith", digital art by Ryan Church

I wished exactly this concept to be on a preview, cause it's my favorite one from all the series for "Revenge of the Sith". Here artist depicted two main points of interest in composition, both underlined with light. The ship, and the battle itself. Personally I think it would be more logical to add more glow to the battlee, cause since the ship is much more bright it takes more attention.

Mustafar costume and Alderaan consute, both digital over pencil by Sang Jun Lee

The deeper we go into Star Wars concept art, the later movies we look through - the more digital concepts appear. As you remember all the first concepts were only made with traditional mediums, such as ink, acrilic and watercolor or gouache. But the more time passes by - the more artists discover for themselves advantages of working with digital mediums, with graphic tablets. 

By the way I'm also guilty in it. Of source, when you always have never ending Crtl+Z ability things look more attractive. You don't have to erase mistakes in inking with blade, for example, and you can spoil as much canvases as you whish.

General Grievous, concept art for "Revenge of the Sith", digital art by Alex Jaeger

That's a surprise, isn't it? Even in final concept Grievous still reminds some kind of a huge insect, but seems like in firs views it could be even deeper. Some kind of a huge super powerful metal bug.

Utapau dignitary, Concept art for "Revenge of the Sith", digital art by Sang Jun Lee

Sang Jun Lee was the main character concept artist on this project, and it really was a great choice. This particular drawing, simple yet quite powerful - what emotions does it bring to you? I nearly can feel the power of the Dark Side:)

Obi-Van on his mount, concept for "Revenge of the Sith", pencil on paper by Sang Jun Lee

One of my favorite pieces for sure. And one of the great scenes in the movie, by the way. I wonder what's the name of the creature? Well, I know that his name is Boga, but is it a kind name? Pencil drawings are always charming, even if it's just a line art. Here the artist managed with showing great dynamic really well, seems like earth is trembling under the beasts feet. He's doesn't look that powerful in the movie, agree?:)

Hope you enjoyed this small review, I promise I'll write more soon:)

All the images are concept art for Star Wars old movies and are NOT my drawings (just in case, cause people keep asking before reading the text or even title).

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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