Bad, bad steemian - please don't make a fool of yourself

Hi, guys!

It's been a long time since I last did such post, so perhaps the time had came to talk a few about it again. 

Spam comments, huh?

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I used to get annoyed about them a lot. Earlier. Now I also don't like them, but enough time passed to make me realize that there's not much of productive ways to fight them. So nowadays I usually have such pic under my posts: 10 comments, for example, and I see four. Cause I muted all the rest, and I know what is said there. "Nice art/post", all the time.

Some ask me "Isn't it pleasant for you to hear that your art/post in nice?". 


It is not. Even more them that - if I write about something personal, or really sad - such comment means that you just came to my home in dirty boots. Once I had a post about Stephen Hoking. I just wrote a few words about what his personality meant exactly for me, for a girl who never was good in physics and who just found out a little bit more about universe thanks to his book. It was the day of his death, by the way. You guess, what the first comment was? You're right. Was it relevant? Absolutely not.

At the moment I notice that more and more spam-fighting accounts appear on steemit. And yesterday I noticed among the comments to one of my posts an answer from @abusereports, that said:

 "@(the name of steemian here) you're on the @abusereports naughty list!
If you do not stop, your account will be rendered invisible on Steemit. Bad Steemian! Bad! "

Now that's cute. It sound like "Bad dog!". And you know, what? By writing the same comment to multiple posts over and over again you don't acquire anything. Neither success on the platform, nor friendship. You just make a fool of yourself and make the others think that your intellectual level is somewhere below normal.

I usually vote for my commentators. Not always I answer comments, but I vote more for them. Or for commentators posts. Ad doing this I usually don't click the "follow" button if the commentators content is not in my sphere of interests. Comment, if it's valuable and on topic - is, but content - not always. So I react with a vote exactly on comment. And here another funny tendency starts - some people notice it, and then begin just spamming all my posts along with "nice", expecting the same reaction from me. And this is even more sad.

I am on the platform for over a year, putting effort in my posts every day. The main thing for newbies to understand is that's about effort and about making friends here to reach something, not about spamming. Spam will not give you anything except down-votes and shame.

P.S. See the banner below? It was not made accidentally. Just remember that for most artists "nice art" is an offense.

I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)

Love, Inber

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