Tonight's call is nothing I've ever experienced. It started at 4 pm, but I actually got there at about 4:15 pm. The senior registrar just looked at me and asked "is this when your call starts?", I was like "no ma". She then said okay, you can join us.


When I entered she was trying to stabilize a patient. The patient was a primigravida and there was fetal distress. The moment I saw her I was so scared, confused and whatnot. The next thing I heard was "hand me that sonicaid". At first I couldn't remember what that was, I was completely lost. By the time I came back to my senses the nurse already gave it to her. After a while the anesthetist walked into the place and said "we are ready for you". Then I realised that they want to carryout an emergency cesarean section. They didn't take much time, they were out in less than an hour.

When I thought I had seen something big, I didn't know bigger was on its way. This time around it was a patient that was referred from a private clinic with eclampsia. She was rushed into the labour ward. Immediately the doctors started resuscitation and administering the necessary medications. Before I realised what was happening she had convulsed. It was so bad that she even bit her tongue. I felt really sorry for her.

I knew tonight's call was not going to be interesting so immediately I ran into the call room. I've had enough fir one night. I don't want to be traumatized more than I have been.

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