Today was supposed to go well for me. After my calculations yesterday, I thought today would be a stress free day.

We had ward rounds yesterday and there were very few patients that were booked for surgery. So I left my room this morning having in mind that I'll close early today.

Today started with morning review. For some weird reasons I arrived late but no big deal cause I was allowed in. The morning review usually starts by 8am and ends by 9am. Today's morning review took a lot of time owing to the fact that a lot of patients were admitted during the call period. It ended by 9:26 am.


After the morning review we went straight to the theatre. We scrubbed and got ready. Only for me to look at the theatre board and saw that we had six surgeries 🙆. No way, this can't be true. I was so sad. Before we even started I was already too tired. The good thing is we have more than one operating room and the patients were divided.

We entered the first operating and the surgeon was carrying out a cesarean section and bilateral tubal ligation. The indication for the surgery was three previous cesarean sections and complete family size. While we were there, the registrar assisting in the surgery kept asking us questions like; what is cesarean section? What are the absolute and relative indications for cesarean section? Complications of cesarean section? Types of tubal ligations. The session was really educative and I'm actually glad I participated.

We went on and till we finished with the third patient. At some point I felt like I was going to faint so immediately I walked out if the operating into the changing room. I rested there for a while then went back.

When I got back you needed to see the looks on our faces, it wasn't funny. The surgeon understood what we had gone through and then asked "are you guys tired?" "Would you like to go home?". We all chorused YES without hesitating. I just praying all the surgeons would be like him.

I enjoyed today.

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