New 'Merican Flag

I love #America.

Respectfully submitted to every Patriot,
American or Otherwise.

Take a Second.

Empty your Mental Space.


Prepare an Inquisitive and Curious Mindset.


Open Heart by remembering a Loving or Happy Memory.




This is the American Flag as it waves as of 1:31pm MST, 4/5/2018.

Recall any Thoughts and/or Feelings, of whatever quality, about this image. Carry them through Logic and Reason. Continue with these thoughts and feelings in mind.


This is called the "Thin Blue Line" - American Flag.

Comprise any Thoughts and/or Feelings, of whatever quality, about this image. Carry them through Logic and Reason. Continue with these thoughts and feelings in mind.

The Blue Strip 6th up from the bottom ostensibly represents Police.


I took the liberty of creating my own American Flag because it's totally honorable to take a cherished symbol of freedom and defile it with gang colors #Facetious. This is how I see America Now, using the flag as Metaphor.

The entire image is a hierarchy of systems of control from Bottom to Top. The lowest ranking citizens would be contained within the first stripe on the bottom of the flag inferring they have no control. Upper stripes control lower stripes, unless they are the same color/pattern(1 - 5).
From Bottom to Top Description:
First 5 Stripes are Clear, Transparent: Without control. Without Privacy. Without any visible Unity.

The 6th Stripe represents Government Police Forces Such as DEA, CIA, FBI. The Blue represents Police. The Red represents Fire and Rescue Services.

There are 2 Green strips surrounding the 6th Stripe.
The bottom strip represents the money removed from the lower 5 Stripes, whether in taxes, fees, tickets, court costs; all bureaucratic pork; flowing towards state run collection agencies as mentioned above and, I.R.S., ATF, Justice Systems, ... etc. The top green strip represents money and revenue flowing from government collection agencies mentioned, whether from taxes, fees, tickets, court costs; all bureaucratic pork: flowing towards State and Federal agencies.

The 7th Stripe has a black line that fades into grey, this represents the line of access citizens must navigate through to get information and service from everything above the black line. The grey gradient represents the process of searching for and finding "classified" information, literally a grey area. Once through the maze of official censorship there are the agencies and departments that run the Government, or carry out its business. It is enveloped in white representing the holiest of holies in the "Democratic" Republic of United States.

The 8th Stripe represents the U.S. Government. These are just some seals of government agencies. Not all, I just copy and pasted from a google image. (message me for credit) This is the Face and Facade of the U.S. Government.

Above the 8th Stripe there is a Gold strip. This represents the kind of money necessary to make access or ascend to any level above the 8th. Like Monarchs, Saudi Princes, Untouchables, Unjailable people(International Bankers and associates). The gold goes both ways because those agencies are paid to look the other way, expedite the legal process, make an exception to the law. The first level of "justice" in our (IN)-Justice System. All lower stripes simply cannot afford proper access to "justice".

The 9th Stripe is light purple. This represents the unification of the U.S. Bicameral Process. Red + Blue = Purple. Light purple is used to represent a lesser power/control system where the structure of society is penned to page, as it were. Where access to national funds(taxes and fees) are leveraged out of the pockets of citizens contained within lower stripes and into smaller and smaller pools. This stripe represents Total Political Access. Where Political Leaders are "elected" and reside in the social structure metaphor.

The 10th Stripe is Royal Purple and represents where the Political aristocracy and their travel companions reside. Where the 9th Stripe represents Total Political Access, the 10th represents Total Political Control. Political Leaders are selected at this level and bandied about the country as "Choices". These are the beltway mainstays that work the 9th stripe dummies as marionettes on invisible strings.

The 11th Stripe represents the Military Industrial Complex and all its numerous tentacles called Defense Contractors. Its blurry camouflage because it represents the true nature of National Defense, blurry and obfuscated, having an undertone of honor at a glance, but when you look closer, dishonor is more easily seen.

The 12th Stripe represents International Government, United Nations and other NWO groups like CFR, WMF, Bank for International Settlements, and their traveling companions.

The 13th Stripe Represents Secret Societies, Illuminati types, and their traveling companions. (They are going to totally love they represent the "13")

The box of stars representing the 50 states has a brick wall container(To keep citizens "safe" or "in," as understanding allows) This represents the border and the difficulty a citizen has getting out and traveling the world. At first I considered only putting a brick wall border on the bottom(south) of the box but I took the metaphor to its logical conclusion.

Take note of the images that are somewhat hidden.
They control the stripes they touch.

Control in All Stripes are branched and disparately constructed networks of power and control. A good example is a DEA Agent vs FBI Officer vs I.R.S Agent vs State Trouper vs a Sheriff vs City Police. They all have networks of power and an area to enforce it but they don't All have the same type of power/control networks.


I took the liberty of creating another American Flag. This is how and what I see America becoming.

The entire image is a hierarchy of recognition from Bottom to Top. The integrity of a "lower" stripe builds a solid foundation for the construction of each upper stripe. The lowest stripe and ascending stripes, and the people groups they represent, are recognized for their necessary inclusion in the construction and sustenance of Freedom within the United States, Distant Present and Future. I added an Additional Stripe at the very bottom. The original 13 stripes represent the United States and the additional Green stripe represents those working towards citizenship.
From Bottom To top Description:
1st Stripe(added) is Green and represents immigrants and immigration(I used the color on Green Cards). A recognition that we current citizens would not have citizenship if it weren't for people leaving their homelands to immigrate here and participate in this experiment. This represents Legal immigration. Those who immigrate illegally are not represented in the flag.

2nd Stripe is Clear and represents the process by which an immigrant becomes a citizen, where all citizens collect and receive equitable disbursement of services and privileges. It's clear to infer the process is transparent and no one person or entity will be given special consideration without all others knowing.

3rd Stripe is the foundation and is easter colored(lol sorry moms) which represents all the mothers of this country in recognition for their sacrifice to continue placing their lives on hold, and on the line, changing their bodies to produce and foster future generations. Mothers, Thank You for your willing sacrifice and facing the prospect of death to bring another into this world. Without you there would be no country, no anything.

4th Stripe is a gradient of Dark Blue to White in recognition of all workers from Blue Collar to White. Without people working and giving of themselves to a greater cause there would be no country.

5th Stripe is a gradient from Dark Brown to Light Tan in recognition of the family of humans with differing hues of skin but who all strive for the same end; A more free and loving future for themselves and their families.

-There could be an argument that 4th and 5th stripes as they are represented should be reversed, family first than work-

6th Stripe is a Rainbow colored gradient of crosshatched string in recognition of the individual. If the lower stripes weren't in place an working in harmony the "individual" would have no place to be, know, and evolve. The use of a rainbow is inferring a connection to the refraction of light through the prism of understanding. The crosshatch represents the hole-ridden nature of true understanding, and, how one's understanding is subjective and only meaningful to that person. Being able to see through the stripe(crosshatch) infers everyone is at a differing level of understanding, and, see different vantages through the rainbow crosshatch.

7th Stripe is Clear in recognition that access to the government(U.S. Government = box of stars and stripes above) is transparent, traversable, and equitable for all citizens.

Box of Stars is untouched(although I'd like to add Puerto Rico as the 51st State, but, if I were going to take this liberty I would also split California into 3 states, and Texas into 8. This would add up to 60 States/stars. Also I'd color all state stars that have legalized Cannabis, green, but I didn't, out of respect, lol)

8th and 9th Stripes are untouched in respect to, and represent, our past. Going forward if we are not considering what we have done to the world under the original flag would be completely disrespectful to the legacy we are creating for ourselves and our children. The 8th stripe is the first level of Government. Reducing the original flag to only these 2 stripes is also representative of limited and necessity driven government.

10th - 14th Stripes are Clear in recognition of our want and will for transparency in government. Each stripe can only be defined after a consensus of all citizens ascribe the stripe(s) value and necessary symbology. For example, if Children and/or Education were placed within the 10th stripe it would be a recognition of their importance and necessity within American Society and its dependence on all lower stripes being active, resonant, and harmonious.

T.B.D. Stands for To Be Determined and is self-explanatory. I do intend to have those letters on the actual flag(if it were going to be a real thing, remember this is still only a metaphor) This would symbolize to all who see it that our country is not complete and in a constant state of flux, wanting and willing for change to be common and welcome.

Mind Your Business! represents to everyone, especially citizens, that each is required to mind their business, not in terms of staying out of others business, but more involved in their own business. Mind Your Business was on the original continental coins, called the "Fugio Cent", according to
I transliterate this as "Contribute your own work and be responsible for your product!"

On every stripe "Mind Your Business" has a different meaning to each citizen who is working within the context of their stripe identity. A Pregnant Worker would occupy four different stripe identities and have differing ways they 'Mind Their Business' for each stripe.


As you calculate a possible response to this offering let me again remind you all this is only a metaphor. Old Glory still waves untouched and unchanged by the ever-changing landscape of American Society. I offer this as a method for instruction and understanding.
If I am wrong, Great!
If I am right, Great!
Let us then speak about correctness. What can factually be constructed from my offering?


Go in Peace and Know I am in Love with an American Ideal. The same ideals that are bandied about every 2nd and 4th year when would-be leaders beg for the waxing and waning attention of the increasingly disinterested and dissatisfied citizenry. I am not running for office. I am running toward the furtive but fertile American ideal of "Freedom;" Freedom for EVERYONE!


Looking Forward!
Mind Your Business!

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