Chile's coat of arms!

The present national coat of arms of Chile, is the third that officially had the country during his republican history. It was made under the presidential term of José Joaquín Prieto and its design was in charge of the English artist Carlos C. Wood Taylor. It became official on June 26, 1834.
The shape of the patriotic emblem is very similar to a battle shield and is divided into two segments: the upper fragment painted blue and the lower one, red. In the center there is a white star (which is the same one that appears on the national flag) and outside this structure, at the foot of the insignia, stands the motto "Por la razon o la fuerza" (For reason or force). On the top has a tricolor plumage and on both sides is held by a huemul and a condor.

The huemul, a deer that appears on the left side of the national emblem, is a quadruped of dark brown fur that lives in the south of the Andes. Its population increases between the Region of Aysén of General Carlos Ibáñez and the one of Magallanes and the Antarctic. As this animal is a species that can be found only in Chile and in the extreme south of Argentina, it was considered by President José Joaquín Prieto as a symbol of originality and distinction. However, when it appears on the national coat of arms, this animal represents "reason".

The natural habitat of huemul is the mountainous and woody terrains. As it is an herbivorous animal, it tends to hide in forests and lands with abundant vegetation when the temperatures descend. In 2006, this animal was declared a natural monument of Chile and its hunting is totally prohibited.

On the other hand, the condor is one of the strongest that flies over the national skies. It represents "force".
Its feathers are black and has a white crown around the neck. With a bald head, reddish skin and a crest that covers from the level of its eyes to the top of its skull, this bird lives in the Andes Mountains throughout the South American continent and constitutes an important symbol for several Latin American countries.

Without embarrassment, as much by the climate as by the geography in Chile the condor enjoys excellent conditions for its survival. In fact it is believed that in these lands the number of copies exceeds those in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador or Peru. The isolation that the condor finds in the highest sectors of the mountain range and the laws that protect its hunting has allowed a small increase of its population during the last decades, although it continues as a species threatened, by the hunting that is object by Part of eccentrics that use it to decorate their private zoos.

In the national coat of arms, both animals wear a crown. This symbolizes the naval triumph of the maritime troops in the battles for Independence.

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