Monday Mind F*** (Monday 1)

Hiya, Steemians!

(Explicit language will be used)

Alright, so, the idea of "Monday Mind Fucks" or "Mind Fuck Mondays", came to me earlier today, this morning actually, when a statement was made regarding "time". The statement made was "Can't start the day if you don't get out of bed." and I added "Tomorrow never comes, yesterday never was, and today never ends, Monday mind fucks". From this conversation, that continued going on for the next few hours, it dawned on me that, it would be an interesting and fun thing to do, in my opinion, to maybe write a blog on random topics that are just something to wrap the mind around on Mondays. I'm not sure if it would be every Monday, every other Monday or one Monday a month, just some Monday. I can't say you will learn a thing or two, you might and I am in no means a professional at writing nor any of the fields I will be talking about, just someone who has done some research. So, with that in mind, let's jump into the first blog of, Monday Mind Fucks.

Time, is a very interesting thing, I'd like to say that we really don't even fully understand it. It's something that we all agree to listen to and that we all hope some person actually has been keeping track of the days of the week and never mixed up Monday or Tuesday way back when this started and screwed the whole calendar. You often hear space and time thrown together and they go hand in hand and yeah, this is true, since they do. We keep track of time by using the sun and daylight savings, etc. and we determine this time by the suns position. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, are all terms that get applied to relative position and they aren't a fixed point for everyone, hence time zones and how if you head West at the right speed, you will never see night time, theoretically. That quite literally means your day never ended, but what if even though the sun went down and rose again, that wasn't the sign of the new day? Your days don't end because when tomorrow comes, you will call it today and then tomorrow becomes a different day. You never reach that tomorrow because today never ends and if today never ends, did yesterday even exist? It really is something to kinda ponder on when you know the day doesn't end, but gets you thinking and firing those receptors in the brain.

The point of this, was just something that may jog the mind, make it think, not intended for per say learning purposes, i'm no genius. This is a fun idea I had and depending on feedback, will determine if I keep these up. Some blogs may be on the same topic, but they will probably bounce around and be different ones to keep it fresh. They also probably won't be that long and really depend on the topic, but intended to be a quick read. I hope you enjoyed the little food for thought and to see you back here for the next, Monday Mind Fuck!

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