A Short Update - Burn out and Trading

Honestly I've been a little burnt out on Steem the past couple of weeks so decided to take a small break instead of trying to push through. I've been feeling a little guilty about letting my Steempower sit so donated most of it to @silvergoldbotty last night. I have one more donation for her and I'll start focusing on supporting other communities with more delegations.



I've got the crypto trading bug again. I've been getting some really good pickups on the dios here lately and debating if I want to take some profits on some of the bounces.


I'm really happy with some of the coins I picked up recently. Some I'm interested in holding long term while others I'm just happy with buying some at all time lows.

I sold all my ripple this summer so it's nice to get some back in case the price spikes again. I think I was able to pick some up for 70 - 80% off it's high prices earlier this year. Looking to do the same for Lumens which is another one I sold all my holdings on, but the price just hasn't dropped low enough yet.


Neo and Ark are another two I'm looking to pick up, but I'm afraid they haven't pulled back enough yet. I'll be watching their prices because maybe they are just that strong right now and will be some of the first coins to moon when alts start to make a comeback. Time will tell.

Work & Life

I just feel like my responsibilities outside of work are taking more time as well. I apologize if you've missed my comments/articles the past week or two.

I want Steemit to feel more like an opportunity / hobby again instead of a chore. I don't earn enough on Steemit to put up with it if it becomes too stressful. I have enough stressors in my life as is.


If there is something you've missed let me know in the comments down below. Also if you're interested in seeing some of the charts I used for the trades above let me know as well as I'll probably share those in a future post anyways.

It feels great to be back and thanks for all those leaving comments wondering where I've gone. I think it was a well deserved break to help me refocus on what it is I'd like from Steemit.

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