The Short Life of HitchBOT: The Droid That Punched the Internet Right in the Feels

Back in 2014, Dr. David Harris Smith of McMaster University and Frauke Zeller of Ryerson University decided to develop a freewheeling robot whose only purpose was to travel the world and document these travels on social media. HitchBOT had a successful launch from its home in Port Credit, Ontario, hitchhiking throughout Canada and later Germany and the Netherlands. With several successful missions complete, HitchBOT was determined to take on its next challenge: a trip across the United States.


Starting in Salem, Massachusetts, the plan was for HitchBOT to make its way to California, making regular stops along the way. However, it wouldn't be long before tragedy would strike. HitchBOT only made it through several states before its decimated remains were spotted in a ditch.


The Rest of Civilized Society: 1, Scumbag America: 0.

HitchBOT's remains were found by an unidentified person and shipped back to the bot's grateful creators. Meanwhile, an alleged video surfaced showing two men murdering the immobile robot in cold blood. Days later it would be learned that the video was nothing more than a stunt pulled off by two YouTubers hoping to capitalize on the public's interest in the case.

Learning that the video was a hoax, Smith and Zeller admitted that they were had by the YouTubers' clever antics. Unfortunately, knowing now that the video was a hoax we will never know what occurred during the final hours of hitchBOT's short life.

Today, HitchBOT is home safely in Canada. He has since received some much needed repairs and is no longer taking his act on the road. Instead, HitchBOT now safely resides in the Canadian Science and Technology museum where he has become part of the museum's permanent collection.


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