Setting of the mind

  1. mindset (noun) – outlook towards life.

“When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change” that quote perfectly describes what I believe “mindset” to be. We have the ability to control the settings of our day to day lives, create our situations and build the life that we want for ourselves.


We go through most of our early adult years trying to “find ourselves” but why are we not born already knowing who we are? Why do we try so hard to understand the actions of others, when we don’t even understand ourselves? Why are emotions so uncomfortable and why is it difficult to genuinely self-reflect? These are the questions that keep my brain-wheels spinning until wee hours of the morning.

The world is so funny, we are all so different, yet we go through very similar situations and experiences. Mainly, there are two ways we cope with situations that occur in our lives (good or bad):

  1. Bottle it up and internalize situations that we experience


  1. Talk about it

A lot of the time we over look the fact that our mindset is largely responsible for the outcome of each situation that we encounter. Our mindset decides how we react, respond and cope after the fact. This is why it is so unbelievably important to be in tune with ourselves and be able to self-reflect in order to understand where we are at mentally and emotionally. We have the power to decide how/where we want our lives to go, even though, majority of the time, it seems completely out of our control.

As I write this, I can’t help but feel intimidated by the idea of starting a blog. Not only do I have no idea what I’m doing, I also don’t know how people will respond. Throughout this blog I hope that the process of writing and sharing will help me on my own journey to becoming a more authentic version of myself. I also hope that my words find their way to others who may be searching for answers to questions that they didn’t even know they had yet.

I will write an article bi-weekly (hopefully) to chat about a topic that arises in my life or a topic that just seems generally intriguing. I can only hope that if you decide to stay and read some of what I have to say, that something will resonate with you. Big or small I hope that for a second it will make you think about the journey that you’re on right now or a place you’ve been in the past. You may be surprised with what you still have left to learn about yourself and the people around you.

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