3 Steps To Make Your CV Irresistibly Attractive - The Bespoke Resume

Make employers want to meet you by following this 3-step framework, which I pioneered - "THE BESPOKE RESUME".

This a special approach I came up with for those of you who are really determined to land a certain job, and you want to give your all and maximize your chances of success.

To make it easier for you to implement and remember how you build "THE BESPOKE RESUME" and make employers attracted to you - think about the steps you would take to make a girl you have identified to be attracted to you :)

1. Make a good first impression.

This first step is very basic, yet absolutely key! If you don't get this right, nothing else matters.

If you are meeting a lady/gentleman, you need to be looking good - showered, well-dressed, neat, so that he/she can say "you look good"!

Similarly, when doing your resume you need to make sure the fonts and the size of the letters are consistent, the text is properly aligned, the overall structure is easy to understand and read.

  • CAUTION: If you make bad first impression employers may not going to even read you resume.

2. WOW them! Show them you are like each other.

Humans like to spend time with other humans who are like them. Think about yourself. I am sure you share some major common interests with the people you spend most of your free time with.

You can use this to persuade women/men or employers that you belong to the same "tribe" - meaning that you are like each other.

With women, you would do this by mirroring their dressing style and appearance. For example, if they dress classy, you need to dress classy too. Otherwise, your chances of getting noticed (in a positive way) are very very slim.

Similarly, you can inbuild an employer's taste and style into your resume and thus create a unique visually bespoke resume....by using the colors and design patterns used by the organization you are applying for.

This way you will make your CV irresistibly sexy before employers read even one word of your resume. The appearance of your CV will make them want to meet you and learn more about you.

3. Show them you fit each other.

Now it's time to make the contents of your resume bespoke for the particular employer you are applying for.

You already have their attention with structure and visuals. Now it's time to show in writing to the employer that your skills perfectly match the job description. Position yourself as the ideal candidate, who can satisfy a need or solve a problem the employer has - learn how to do this by joining my course "Career Fundamentals".

P.S. Learn how to identify people and companies you want to work with in this video training.

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