Thank GOD Got My Password Back

Hey Guys

Did ya miss me? Nope, it's okay I know I never came back to the community after introducing myself but it was not my fault cause I misplaced the password. I saved it somewhere online(secret) and the next day when I tried to log in it says the key error etc. I was shocked how is it possible cause I just used it a day ago. Tried too many times but it always says the same.


I tried to create another account by was facing the same IP address issue, wasn't understanding the problem so I decided to leave it. Yesterday while working online I again saw the hive community so I tried the key again, but the issue was still the same. I paste the password into notepad to see what the problem was and saw there was an extra space in the password. After removing the space when I tried again I was shocked because the site signed in and I was like what? That's the problem with my password gosh but was happy that I recovered my account after a long.


It took me more than seven months to recover my accounts, in these seven months nothing gets changed except my kid's grown up. His name is Tesoro and he is 4 and a half years old. I love him and he loves me too. I feel proved to be a mother to him because he is a nice & gentle boy, and doesn't bother me. I pray he will get all happiness in his life and he live a healthy life.


As I got my key back so I will make sure to keep posting regularly and be in touch with you all. As my new journey has started with you so I hope we will have a good time together and will get too many new friends.

Wish me luck, Have a good day.

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