Bitten by the bug.

I am usually one who hates it when the Holiday items go up in the stores months before the actual holiday. (Ahem, Hobby Lobby, I'm looking at you!) However today I woke up bitten by the Halloween bug.

The girls have a teacher prep day today, so that means no school for them. Luckily that works for me because I don't usually work at the Dental practice on Fridays. With my Friday plans of catching up on house work and laundry sans kids has been side tracked for the day. I've come up with a plan B. Halloween Costumes. Kay wants to be a Greek Goddess. Goose wants to be Hermione Grainger. And Batgirl wants to be Princess Leia. Yep you read that right Princess Leia!! She's been Batgirl for 3 years strait. So when she said Princess Leia I had to jump on it.

So this morning we have been scouring for pictures of costumes to get ideas from for starting points of our endeavors. Stay tuned for some tutorials on our costumes. I also have some zucchini we will be baking into some yummy bread and a Hot chocolate mug project planned to do with the girls.

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With so many things to do I better get started. I can't wait to share our projects with you.

Happy Friday.

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